A Spriter implementation for Cocos2dX, using SpriterPlusPlus.
This is based on the reference implementation's SFML example.
There is an example repository to demonstrate using this in a Cocos2d-X project.
This is not quite finished, though it does work (only tested on Android and Linux).
Current limitations:
- debug drawings are not in yet.
- only Cmake and Android project types are supported
In the root of your Cocos2d-X project:
mkdir external
cd external
git submodule add [email protected]:jeremyjh/Spriter2dX.git
git submodule update --recursive
In your project's CMakeLists.txt, add the first entry and update the existing ones as:
target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME} spriter2dx cocos2d)
include_directories (
Then in your game layer, you make an animation node like this:
#include <AnimationNode.h>
//an update or init method in a Node or Layer
//path to your scml in your Resources folder
auto scml = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename("my_animation.scml");
//AnimationNode is a container which can play multiple animations sourced from a single model.
auto spriter = Spriter2dX::AnimationNode::create(scml);
//If the images used in your animation are in a spritesheet you've
//loaded into the Cocos2d frame cache, instantiate the AnimationNode like
//this to load images from there instead:
auto spriter = Spriter2dX::AnimationNode::create(scml, Spriter2dX::AnimationNode::cacheLoader());
//createEntity gives you a SpriterEngine::EntityInstance that you can manipulate.
//(refer to SpriterPlusPlus API)
//You can keep an EntityInstance* as long as your AnimationNode instance is
//retained; it will delete them when it is deleted.
auto entity = spriter->createEntity("entity_000");
Adding this node to a visible layer will automatically schedule its update loop.
no further maintenance is required, use the EntityInstance to stop/start/switch
your animations and call createEntity again to setup a new animation in the
same node.