ERMA is a software package that implements general CRFs (and MRFs) with no restriction to the model structure. The package includes a training algorithm that performs Empirical Risk Minimization under Approximations (ERMA) as described here and here. ERMA can optimize several loss functions such as Accuracy, MSE and F-score.
- Unrestricted model structure.
- Loss-aware and approximation-aware minimum-risk training via Empirical Risk Minimization under Approximations (ERMA).
- A syntax for specifying model structure.
- Implemented in Java: easy to port to different architectures.
- Generic and easily extensible.
If you use ERMA for research purposes, please cite:
author = {Veselin Stoyanov and Alexander Ropson and Jason
title = {Empirical Risk Minimization of Graphical Model
Parameters Given Approximate Inference, Decoding, and
Model Structure},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)},
series = {JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings},
volume = {15},
pages = {725--733},
note = {Supplementary material (4 pages) also available},
year = {2011},
month = apr,
address = {Fort Lauderdale},
url = {}
author = {Veselin Stoyanov and Jason Eisner},
title = {Minimum-Risk Training of Approximate {CRF}-Based {NLP}
booktitle = {Proceedings of NAACL-HLT},
pages = {120--130},
year = {2012},
month = jun,
address = {Montreal},
url = {}
To build the project:
mvn compile
To create Eclipse project files:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
The above command will add the .project and .classpath files with the M2_REPO classpath variable. In Eclipse open the Preferences and navigate to 'Java --> Build Path --> Classpath Variables'. Add a new classpath variable M2_REPO with the path to your local repository (e.g. ~/.m2/repository).
To build a single jar with all the dependencies included:
mvn compile assembly:single
To follow the tutorial example from the ERMA website (, run the following commands:
# Create a new directory with all the appropriate files.
mkdir tmp
export TUTORIAL=src/main/resources/tutorial
export CONFIG=src/main/config/toy.cfg
cp -r src/main/resources/tutorial tmp/tutorial
cp -r src/main/config tmp/config
# Run the commands within that directory using the jar in the target directory.
cd tmp
python ../src/main/python/ tutorial/toy.train.txt
java -cp ../target/erma-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar driver.Learner -config=config/toy.cfg
java -cp ../target/erma-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar driver.Tester -config=config/toy.cfg -data=tutorial/ -features=tutorial/toy.trained-best.ff
java -cp ../target/erma-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar driver.Classifier -config=config/toy.cfg -data=tutorial/ -features=tutorial/toy.trained-best.ff -pred_fname=tutorial/