Have Yourls send you an email when someone clicks a shortened link.
This plugin is very easy to configure. Simply add the following info to the "Click Notification Email" admin page:
- To Email Address - this is where you want to receive these notification emails.
- From Email Address - this is the address you want the emails to be sent from.
- My IP File (optional) - this file contains your IP address. It's used to compare to the visitors IP so you can see which clicks were made by you. Useful for testing.
- Bots File (optional) - this file contains a return delimited list of bot names that you don't want triggering the email.
- Error Log (optional) - path of an error log for testing, in case you have a problem with this script.
- Log Errors? - choose "Yes" or "No" depending on whether you want to log errors or not. Choosing "Yes" requires a log path in the Error Log field.
Plus, if you don't mind digging into the code, you can customize the generated email to your heart's content!
- Copy everything to your YOURLS_DIRECTORY
- Visit the "Click Notification Email" admin panel to customize your install
- This plugin is really only useful for sites that have a low volume of clicks and you need to know when the recipients click on them. Example: say you have an e-commerce site and you need to send links to your customers for quotes or other important information. This plugin allows you to know when/if your customer clicks on that link so you can take the appropriate action.