**Due to college exams, I couldn't build this chat app from scratch, but I utilized my previous web chat project to develop it.
live demo: exactspace-project-chat-app.vercel.app
- ✅ 1) user list : const user_list = ["Alan", "Bob", "Carol", "Dean", "Elin"]
- ✅ 2) Add Emoji
- ✅ 3) single page application, which will have a textbox to type the message and a button to send the chat.
- ✅ 4) On clicking send button, show the chat message above the textbox
- ✅ 5) You need not have to develop the sidebar in the image.
- ❌ 1) Add mentions(@) feature. On clikcing '@' show the list of users in the user list.
- ❌ 2) Create a websocket(socket.io) server using express.js and establish a client and server communication using socket.io publish and subscribe.
Mainly focused on react js front-end development. I used css for styling. Also, this application used React Context API and redux for state management.
This chat app has basic chat app functionalities such as login, register, reset password, chat, conversation, group call, contact, starred messages, medial, files and links, settings, profile, edit profile, emoji pickers and etc. We can implement all the features using backend in future using the API.
You can change theming colors and dark and light modes by clicking settings icon in bottom-left cornaer.
- React
- MAterial UI
- React Context API
- Redux
- Faker js
- phosphor-react
- Emoji Mart
- React Hook Form
- Yup js
- More...
- Basic ReactJs knowledge
- Basic HTML, CSS knowledge
After getting the project files, you need to go the file directory and run
npm install
and after that start the dev server.
npm run start
- Favicon: Flaticon.com
- Code Editor: VS Code