Jenkins' plugin to display an icon representing the trigger cause of a build.
See the wiki page for a more complete documentation.
Adding a badge for a cause defined in a public plugin should be straightforward: file a feature request in JIRA on the buildtriggerbadge component:
Adding a cause coming from a private/custom plugin, or overriding some badge is possible since version 2.0 :
Extend a BuildTriggerBadgeProvider, and implement the provide method to match your needs.
public class MyProvider extends BuildTriggerBadgeProvider {
public String provideIcon(Cause cause) {
if (cause instanceof SCMTriggerCause) {
return "";
return null;
- Disable a badge for a given cause Let's say you want to disable the badge for the typical periodic timer (TimerTriggerCause), then just extends the BuildTriggerBadgeDeactivator extension point and deploy your plugin.
Example :
public class MyDeactivator extends BuildTriggerBadgeDeactivator {
public boolean vetoBadge(Cause cause) {
if (cause instanceof TimerTriggerCause) {
System.out.println("Disabling badge for timertriggercause, yay!!");
return true;
return false;
If you are using Eclipse, please try and submit pull-requests using the code formatting rules provided. We're currently not strictly requiring it, but if it can unify the codebase at least a bit, that can only be for the better.