#Welcome to Notes!
Notes is a site for uploaded and annotating song lyrics. Users can comment on songs and annotations.
###Song annotation
- Select text within a song's lyrics to create a form in which to add an annotation.
- Users can vote on songs, annotations, and comments. Show pages display the overall scores of items belonging to artists, albums, and users.
###Ranking by score
- The main page includes sections showing the highest-scoring songs, albums, and artists within the last 24 hours. User pages show a user's most popular notes and comments.
###User scores
- Users' profile pages include both the overall score of the user's contributions as well as links to the user's most popular content.
- Users can search for artists, albums, and songs using pg_search.
##Technologies Used The following technologies were used to build Notes:
- Ruby on Rails
- JQuery
- Javascript
- Backbone
- Heroku
- Kaminari (a pagination gem)
- pg_search (a Postgres-specific database search gem)
- New Relic
##Feedback Notes is a work in progress - please contact me to let me know what you think!