Support to IonPhaser directive. Issues of the examples included in the template and any question about this Ionic Project.
IonPhaser is an Angular directive to Ionic Framework 1.x, is the best way to integrate Phaser Framework to create more advanced hybrid mobile applications for modern devices.
The CSS Animations have a better performance but WebGL/Canvas is more powerfull. Phaser Framework use the canvas to create dynamic graphics using JavaScript easily.
- Download the Ionic View App in your device.
- Preview the app using the ID: fed7b239
- That's all, folks!!
You can buy this product here.
You can check the documentation here to see how the project is structured.
Ionic Transitions vs Native Transitions (Using ionic-native-transitions plugin)
- On iOS works excellent.
- On Android you can improve the performance if is required using Crosswalk or Cocoon.
- My Facebook Group
- My examples on Codepen
- My post in my Blog
- My presentation
- Amazing tutorials
- Phaser examples
Canvas drawing techniques.
Canvas image filters.
- Phaser Framework
- ngCordova
- ion-floating-menu
- ionic-ion-swipe-cards. Any issue related with the tinder cards post in this link repository.
- Advanced Carousel
- Ionic Pull-Up Footer
- phaser-state-transition-plugin
- Collide
- First Version with examples - 2016-04-05:
- Dragon with light effects from Game Mechanic Explorer.
- Draw in canvas (Like a signature).
- Star Wars animation (It isn't a video!).
- Photo with some filters (Like instagram).
- Tinder cards with effects.
- Flappy bird with Arcade physics and debug option to developers.
- Home and Menu screens with CSS animations using Animate.css.
- Phaser states using Angular Services (You can interact with the current state of Phaser from Angular Controllers and viceversa!)
The images of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
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