The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is a set of tools to create interactive graphic adventures (classical point ant click games).
I think that this type of games is a great medium to tell stories and the new mobile devices provides a big opportunity to rebird and evolve them.
By creating Bladecoder Adventure Engine, I want to create a platform to tell stories. Interactive stories with modern graphics, animations and music.
The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is composed by the following subprojects:
- adventure-composer: It ss the graphical editor for creating point and click games.
- blade-engine: It is the engine to run the games creates with the adventure-composer.
The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is developped using the LibGDX framework and the projects generates a layout similar to any LibGDX project, this lowers the learning curve and ease the development and deploy in several platforms.
The Adventure Composer is a graphical editor to create full point and click games with minimal programming.
The Engine has the following features:
- Multi platform support: Android, IOS, Desktop (windows, OSX, Linux) and HTML
- Several animation techniques: sprite/atlas animation, Spine (cutout) animation and 3d model animation
- 3d character support
- Multiresolution to deal with differents densities and screen sizes
- Multilanguaje support
The Bladecoder Adventure Engine is currently under continous development and it is almost ready for production. The Goddess Robbery is a test game created to show the features of the Engine.
The source of The Goddess Robbery can be downloaded here and it is useful to learn how to use the Adventure Composer.
The Goddess Robbery is also available for Android devices at the Google Play Store.
In order to compile, build and run the engine, the Java platform is necessary. The project uses Gradle to build and package.
$ ./gradlew build
Run the Adventure Composer:
$ ./gradlew run
Create a distribution package for the Adventure Composer:
$ ./gradlew distZip
A zip package ready for distribution is created in the folder 'bladecoder-adventure-engine/adventure-composer/build/distributions'
Bladecoder Adventure Engine is licensed under the Apache 2 License, meaning you can use it free of charge, without strings attached in commercial and non-commercial projects.