A simple "less" than fully fleshed REST framework for minimal projects. The main goal of this project is performance for high volumes of tiny requests suitable for supplying data to a Javascript MVC.
edit or copy sample.htaccess to .htaccess and place it where your webroot points to. If that is a different directory than the lessREST folder, update the path to index.php in the file. mkdir publish/post publish/get In the post and the get directory any class you create will be accessible via a REST interface. You can extend the provided base object or possibly traits and extend your own base object. This readme shall be updated eventually, but in any event, you need a public process() method in your class that will be executed, and a constructor that takes an array of params and a payload.
Make sure the machine you are running the unit / functional tests has an entry in the hosts file for lessRest.local and an apache or equivilant vhost pointing to the tests directory