Discover and explore fractals world with OpenCL acceleration.
- Interactive animated fractals
- Mouse support to zoom in/out
- Zoom limit set to 43000000000000 for fp64 and 300000 for fp32
- Keyboard support for changing fractals/kernel parameters
- OpenCL support to speed up fractals calculations
- 2 colors models: RGB and HSV
- OpenCL kernels can be executed on CPU without OpenCL libraries
- fp64 support checked at runtime, can be disabled in configuration (configure script)
- Support multiple OpenCL platforms/devices
- Performance tests
- Neo - Intel Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL:
- Beignet - OpenCL Library for Intel GPU's:
- OpenCL CPU - OpenCL Runtime for Intel Core and Intel Xeon Processors:
- Nvidia OpenCL 1.2 CUDA - The NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver Set for Linux-x86_64:
- Portable Computing Language:
- AMD GPU - AMDGPU All-Open and AMDGPU-Pro Driver:
- ROCm OpenCL - Radeon Open Compute:
- left button - increase zoom
- right button - decrease zoom
- middle button - stop animations
- ESC - exit application
- i/I - increase/decrease number of calculation's iteriations
- c/C/+/=/-/_/m/M/h/H/j/J/k/K/l/L - change colors
- P - show color palettes
- LEFT/RIGTH - scale horizontally by 0.01
- UP/DOWN - scale vertically
- a/d - shift left/right
- s/w - shift down/up
- e/E - decrease/increase limit for compared modulus
- *// - scale horizontally and vertically
- p - change color pallette: RGB/HSV
- x/X - decrease/increase c (real part) of complex number (z^2 + c, z^3 + c)
- y/Y - decrease/increase c (imaginary part) of complex number (z^2 + c, z^3 + c)
- F1 - select Julia fractal
- F2 - select Mandelbrot fractal
- F3 - select Julia with gws aligned with window size
- F4 - select dragon fractal
- F5 - select Julia
- F6 - select burning ship
- F7 - select generalized celtic
- F8 - select tricorn
- F9 - modify burning ship
- v - change device used for calculation: 0 = CPU 1,..., n = OpenCL device
- 1 - show iterations histogram
Some screenshots with fractals are presented here
- SDL2, SDL2_TTF libraries
- OpenCL library (optional)
- SDL2_GFX library - only for tests
- Run 'configure' script to configure project
- Run 'make' to build project
- Run 'sudo make install' to install application
- FP_64_SUPPORT - Use fp64 extension [ON/OFF] (default ON)
- SDL_ACCELERATED - Use SDL with GPU acceleration [ON/OFF] (default OFF)
- OPENCL_SUPPORT - Use OpenCL acceleration [ON/OFF] (default ON)
- PREFIX - directory where program will be installed
- Execute 'FractalCL' application. Use mouse and keyboard to change fractals parameters.
- Use keys shown on right panel.
- Press ESC key to exit application.
- Application can be executed with few command line parameters
FractalCL -h
-dn - select n OpenCL device
-c - run performance test on CPU
-l - list OpenCL devices
-a - test all OpenCL devices
-t - run performance test
-i - number of iterations in performance test
-q - quiet mode - disable logs
-h - show help
-v - show version
-fn - select n fractal type
where n:
0 - julia
1 - mandelbrot
2 - julia (full)
3 - dragon
4 - julia 3
5 - burning ship
6 - generalized celtic
Directory tests contains simple tests for:
- OpenCL
- complex math
- fractals
- gmp and mpfr libraries
- gtk