is a Golang library that provides implementations of normal and
exploding dice. It supports both pre-determined roll sequences as well as random
results (using a rand.Source
go get -u github.com/jcheng31/diceroller/dice github.com/jcheng31/diceroller/roller
All die need a roller.Roller
, which is the underlying object that returns the
numbers used for rolls:
// We can return pre-defined sequences of numbers...
predetermined := roller.WithSequence([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
// ...or entirely random ones...
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
random := roller.WithRandomSource(src)
// ...or random ones from some seed.
seededSrc := rand.NewSource(42)
seededRandom := roller.WithRandomSource(seededSrc)
Once we have a source, we can initialize a Die, roll it, and get results:
// Here's a regular d6, which returns numbers from 1 to 6 as you'd expect.
d6 := dice.Regular(seededRandom, 6)
// All die have the same interface, and return the same result struct:
result := d6.RollN(4)
fmt.Println(result.Total) // 16
fmt.Println(result.Rolls) // [6 6 3 1]
// Before we go on, let's reset the seeded source. This isn't necessary in
// your programs, but it's useful for our next demonstration...
seededSrc = rand.NewSource(42)
seededRandom = roller.WithRandomSource(seededSrc)
// And here's an exploding d6. The third parameter to its initializer is the
// maximum number of explosions we'll allow.
exploD6 := dice.Exploding(seededRandom, 6, 10)
// Notice what happens when we roll it once, and it hits a 6.
result = exploD6.RollN(1) // Boom.
fmt.Println(result.Total) // 15
fmt.Println(result.Rolls) // [6 6 3]