i3-gaps: https://software.opensuse.org/package/i3-gaps?search_term=i3-gaps (42.2 version is fine for leap 42.3)
OpenSUSE "requires" pyenv to change python version: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv (See installation section of readme.md swap all instructions containing ~/.bash_profile to .bashrc) Python 3.5+ (Use pyenv install 3.5.4 | then set global to pyenv global 3.5.4) python pip3 install pywall
i3blocks: https://software.opensuse.org/package/i3blocks?search_term=i3blocks
- lxappearance Setting theme options
- thunar GUI File Manager
- ranger CLI File manager
- weechat CLI IRC client
- arandr for creating an I3 screen config easily