Verify source code fulfills coding standards as described in .estlintrc file.
In order to use this hook you want to copy commit-msg
file to your repository's hook directory.
By doing so it will register a hook that automatically run verifications to staged files every time you want to commit them.
If verification ends without error the commit will go thru normally. Otherwise it will abort until the code is modified to pass the verification.
Code styling verification hook is built atop of ESLint and other additional plugins which all of them are available to install via npm/yarn package manager.
git commit app/scripts/app.js -m "fo"
# Running commit-msg git hook
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Location: /Users/jaziel.lopez/WebstormProjects/aig-pcp-frontend
# Branch: development
# Last revision: e2179815833a1ab4d77e66a5bdb52acd380072ae
...please stand by eslint had started to verify staged changes...
15:11 error 'angular' is not defined no-undef
45:12 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
47:11 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
54:1 error 'angular' is not defined no-undef
62:1 error Expected indentation of 5 tabs but found 4 indent
63:1 error Expected indentation of 5 tabs but found 4 indent
64:1 error Expected indentation of 4 tabs but found 3 indent
76:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
83:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
90:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
97:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
104:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
111:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
117:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
123:28 error Strings must use doublequote quotes
142:22 error 'angular' is not defined no-undef
154:3 error 'angular' is not defined no-undef
155:4 error 'angular' is not defined no-undef
✖ 18 problems (18 errors, 0 warnings)
13 errors and 0 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.
# Sorry!
# Your Commit Had Been Rejected
# Code you are trying to commit did not pass code style verification
# See /Users/jaziel.lopez/WebstormProjects/aig-pcp-frontend/.eslintrc for guidelines
# Apply fix(es) and commit again
# Good bye...
Hooks are built atop of a set of NodeJS utilities; therefore it has to be installed in your system and must match minimal version set to 6.14.0
If you are not sure if your system meets NodeJS requirement visit nodeJS official documentation for more information.
Make sure your system has installed the following plugins and tools.
- eslint 5.16.0
- eslint-config-standard 12.0.0
- eslint-plugin-import 2.17.3
- eslint-plugin-node 9.1.0
- eslint-plugin-promise 4.1.1
- eslint-plugin-standard 4.0.0
# Run install script
Simply copy commit-msg file into any of your javascript based projects you want to eslint before proceed with commit.
# copy hook file to your desired project
# allow execution of commit-msg file
cp commit-msg /PATH/TO/YOUR/REPOSITORY/.git/hooks/commit-msg
chmod +x /PATH/TO/YOUR/REPOSITORY/.git/hooks/commit-msg
# copy eslint rules to your desired project
cp .eslintrc.json.dist /PATH/TO/YOUR/REPOSITORY/.eslintrc.json
Simply rename or delete commit-msg file to make the hook to stop source code verification.
# rename
mv /PATH/TO/YOUR/REPOSITORY/.git/hooks/commit-msg /PATH/TO/YOUR/REPOSITORY/.git/hooks/commit-msg.disabled
# delete
rm /PATH/TO/YOUR/REPOSITORY/.git/hooks/commit-msg
1.0.0 Initial 1.0.1 fix staged .js file mask