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A modern dashboard design using Material-UI, React, and other popular technologies.
The project is deployed on Vercel. The demo site is available at Demo.
- Modern dashboard design
- Dynamic data generation with Faker.js
- Interactive chart with ApexCharts
- User-friendly form validation with Formik
- Rich animations and interactions with Framer Motion
- Client-side routing with React Router
- React
- Material-UI
- Framer Motion
- Formik
- React Router
- ApexCharts
- Faker.js
- React Hook Form
- React Query
- React Icons
Clone the repository to your local machine by using the following command in your terminal
Change the directory to the cloned repository by using the following command
cd material-kit
Install the required dependencies by using the following command
npm install
Start the project by using the following command
npm start
- Author Name - Kashif Ali
- GitHub Profile - jaxkashif34
- LinkedIn Profile - jaxkashif34
- Email - [email protected]