Run native automation for web (browser) & mobile (android and ios) using cucumber-wdio with page object pattern.
- VSCode
- JavaScript
- Native/Hybrid Android & iOS apps, web browsers
- Contains sample test scenarios in cucumber
- Page Object Model
- Jira XRay integration (It's possible to download/upload cucumber tests & test executions creation)
- Browserstack integration
- Cucumber JSON & Allure HTML reports
- Github Actions workflow (integration with Browserstack & JIRA Cloud)
- WebdriverIO v7
- Cucumber v7
- Node version 16, execute
npm install -g [email protected]
- NPM version 8, execute
npm install -g npm@latest
, currently 8.19.2 - JAVA JDK 11, execute
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
andbrew install --cask zulu11
- Appium 2.0.0, execute
npm i -g appium@next
, currently v2.0.0-beta.46 (to install a new appium version, first uninstall the existing one bynpm uninstall -g appium
) - UIAutomator2 driver, execute
appium driver install uiautomator2
orappium driver update uiautomator2
, current version 2.9.0 - XCUITest, execute
appium driver install xcuitest
orappium driver update xcuitest
, current version 4.12.1 - Browser drivers (chromedriver)
- Appium inspector
- Appium doctor
To ensure everything is installed properly
- Run
in the terminal
- Edit the
(or bash_profile), the environment variables should look like:
export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/OpenJDK/jdk-
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
For Android
- Android Studio, SDK tools & platform tools
- AVD Manager to create & configure android emulators (with developer options enabled)
- Appium driver UIAutomator2
For iOS
- XCode, XCode Command Line Tools & iOS simulators
- Appium driver XCUITest
- To visualize NPM Scripts view go to View -> Open View... -> NPM Scripts
- To create step definitions from feature files easily [Cuke Step Definition Generator extension] (,Below%20Are%20The%203%20Different%20Ways%20To%20Trigger%20The%20Cuke,proceed%20to%20generate%20step%20definition)
Follow the below commands
Clone the project -
. -
Install dependencies using
npm i
in the terminal. (To install code upgrades, executerm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean -f && rm package.lock && npm i
) -
Update the deviceName and platFormVersion in
respectively. For Android, it's mandatory to have the emulator configured & running before launching the tests, for iOS just a configured emulator is enough. -
script to run android native app locally -
script to run ios native app locally
BrowserStack specific code has been added in the
under the config/browserstack
It's required to provide BrowserStack credentials as environment variables (process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME & process.env.BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY).
- To run test on BrowserStack npm run
This module based on axios is used to interact with Jira XRay API, it allows:
- Download/Upload the E2E tests written on Gherkin
- Once tests are executed, it allows to upload their results by creating a Test Execution.
The goal should be managing the features in the source code in order to avoid sync issues on Jira and for better maintainance and flexibility, as follows Pure VCS based workflow
Required condiguration file (except containing Jira API credentials) can be found in config/xray
allows the user download specific tests (using Jira test KEY) or a set of tests under a filter (filter must be public, each test of the filter MUST belong to a user story/task). It usescucumber.config.json
allows the user upload ALL the tests undertest/features/_walletLivingDocumentation/
to a specific Jira project defined incucumber.config.json
it creates a test execution in an existing test plan of an existing Jira project, usescucumber.config.json
This module allows:
- Splitting features containing multiple Scenario/Scenario Outline into independent features in order to be executed either sequencially or in parallel (specially useful to avoid queuing in browserstack if we have a certain limitations)
- Generating a consolidated JSON report (merges individual JSON report files into 1 file so it can be used to create the Test Execution in Jira mentioned above). However, to achieve this, for now the framework uses the external library
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