title | description |
Report |
Weekly Report for work at BITS AI/ML Lab |
07th-Jun'22 till 15th-Jun'22
- markdown.md
- Learnt about markdown files are, what is their use, how to create them, how to edit text in it- making text bold, italic, inserting headings, quotations, images, links,horizontal rule, ordered and unordered lists
- Used this learning in documenting all subsequent tasks, by creating markdown files and putting them into GitHub repository.
- References
- gitandgithub.md
- Learnt about Version Control System - A system which keeps the track of the changes made to any file which has been put into it, and user can revert back to previous versions if not satisfied.
- Types of VCSs, Advantages of GIT
- Different states of files in GIT- modified, staged and committed.
- Installation of GIT
- Important Operations and command to execute them- init, version, add, commit, clone, push, status and log
- References
- linux.md
- Got hands dirty on Linux, learnt about the benefits of using Linux over other OS, architecture of Linux.
- Learnt some basic commands to make working smooth with Linux - pwd, ls,whoami, cd, mkdir, touch, rmdir, mv, cp, find, whoami, hostname. type, grep, wc, calc, locate.
- Types of users for a file- owner, users in the group and others. Managing permissions of files, to keep them secure, using commands chown and chmod
- Creating hard links and soft links- ln -s
- References
- shell-script.md
- Learnt about use of shell scripting, advantages of creating them- reduces repetitiveness of code and increases modularity.
- Steps to create and runn a script file
- References
- environmentvar.md
- What are environment variables- They are used to define the behavior of the environment and customize how the system works. They are dynamic values and are editable, provided from outside the application. They help programs know what directory to install files in, where to store temporary files, and where to find user profile settings.
- Conventions of Naming them
- Basic commands to set and unset persistent and system global variables
- References