#Path.js ####Simple Javascript path management library
Include path.js in your HTML file. Path.js depends on [tags.js].
<script src="tags.js"></script>
<script src="path.js"></script>
var pathConfig = {
"base": "/base/"
var path = new Path(pathConfig);
path.url("about") // /base/about
var pathConfig = {
"base": "/base/",
"cdn": "http://cdn.com/",
"lang": "en",
"absolute": "http://example.com/base/",
"tags": {
"cdn": "{{cdn}}",
"abs": "{{absolute}}",
"base": "{{base}}",
"lang": "{{lang}}",
"absLang": "{{absolute}}{{lang}}",
"inc": "include"
"prefixes": {
"/cdn/": "{{cdn}}",
"/abs/": "{{absolute}}"
"ignorePrefixes": ["http://", "https://", "mailto:", "#"]
var path = new Path(pathConfig);
path.url("about"); // /base/about
path.url("/abs/"); // http://example.com/base/
path.url("{{abs}}"); // http://example.com/base/
path.url("{{abs}}{{lang}}"); // http://example.com/base/en
path.url("{{absLang}}"); // http://example.com/base/
path.url("/cdn/image.jpg"); // http://cdn.com/image.jpg
path.url("http://www.google.com/image.jpg"); // http://www.google.com/image.jpg
path.url("{{inc}}/script.js"); // include/script.js
#####Base The only required config parameter is "base". The "base" string will be appended only to unchanged paths. Useful when using relative paths in conjunction with HTML History API.
var pathConfig = {
"base": "/base/",
"cdn": "http://cdn.com/",
"tags": {
"cdn": "{{cdn}}"
var path = new Path(pathConfig);
path.url("about"); // /base/about
path.url("{{cdn}}about"); // http://cdn.com/about
#####Tags Replacement tags can be used in any position within paths. Tags are referenced in paths with mustache-style curly braces: {{tagName}}
var pathConfig = {
"base": "/base/",
"tags": {
"lang": "english",
"region": "great-britain"
var path = new Path(pathConfig);
path.url("about/{{lang}}"); // about/english
path.url("about/{{lang}}/canada"); // about/english/canada
path.url("about/{{lang}}/{{region}}"); // about/english/great-britain
Tag values can reference variables in the root of the config object.
var pathConfig = {
"base": "/base/",
"country": "great-britain",
"tags": {
"lang": "english",
"region": "{{country}}" // references pathConfig.country
var path = new Path(pathConfig);
path.url("about/{{lang}}/{{region}}"); // about/english/great-britain
#####Prefixes Prefixes are similar to tags, but are only replaced if found at the beginning of a path. Mustache-style curly braces are not necessary.
var pathConfig = {
"base": "/base/",
"cdn": "http://cdn.com/",
"prefixes": {
"/lang/": "/english/",
"/cdn/": "{{cdn}}"
var path = new Path(pathConfig);
path.url("/lang/united-states"); // /english/united-states
path.url("/no-change/lang/"); // /no-change/lang
path.url("/cdn/assets/image.jpg"); // http://cdn.com/assets/image.jpg
#####ignorePrefixes Path class will not change paths that begin with certain strings. Common examples would be "http://" or "mailto:".
var pathConfig = {
"base": "/base/",
"ignorePrefixes": ["http://", "https://", "mailto:", "#"]
var path = new Path(pathConfig);
path.url("http://www.google.com"); // No change
path.url("https://www.gmail.com"); // No change
path.url("mailto:[email protected]"); // No change
path.url("#/example"); // No change
Path.js has been tested in all modern browsers and Internet Explorer 7+.
Released under [MIT License]. [MIT License]: http://mit-license.org/ [Mustache]: http://mustache.github.io/ [Handlebars]: http://handlebarsjs.com/ [tags.js]: https://github.com/jasonlav/tags-js