This app is aimed toward being a simple and easy-to-use learning aid that allows a user to record log entries that detail reflections and progress made when learning a new subject. Each log entry can be categorized under a specific type of post (e.g. Concepts, Questions, Needs Improvement, etc), which allows for easy organization and filtering. You can also sort logs by log title or metadata. For a list of enhancements that I'd like to add in the future please see bottom of README.
Link to live app:
- Javascript/jQuery
- Express.js/Node.js
- Mongoose/MongoDB
- Mocha/Chai/Chai-http
- Responsive Design
- Accessibility
- TravisCI
GET /logEntries - Returns all saved log entries
GET /logEntries/:logId - Returns an individual log entry
POST /logEntries - Create a new log entry
PUT /logEntries/:logId - Update a specific log entry
DELETE /logEntries/:logId - Remove a specific log entry
- User authentication
- Integrate with a WYSIWYG editor to allow formatting of log entries
- Allow user to upload attachments to log entries
- Integration with a messaging or email API so that the app can send notifications to the user containing prior log entries in spaced repitition to assist with retention and knowledge refinement
- Search logs by keywords
- Allow user to create different Log sets so different subjects can be separated out