A Coq development of the theory of Indexed W types with function extensionality.
We define Indexed W types as a generalization of W types, where we define an inductive family of types.
They are very similar to dependent W types and indexed containers.
The type former is IW A B I C D : I -> Type
, with A I : Type
, B : A -> Type
, C : A -> I
, and D : forall x : A, B x -> I
The interpretation is the same as W A B
, but with I
being the index type, and the constructor taking the form
sup : forall x : A, (forall c : B x, IW (D x c)) -> IW (C x)
They then satisfy a dependent induction principle, which computes as expected.
Here, we examine the behaviour of these types, characterize their equality, and find sufficient conditions for them to be n-types or have decidable equality. We also present a reduction to non-indexed W types.
Apart from the reduction to W types, I am not aware of these results being published anywhere in the literature.
Indexed W types are defined in IWType.v
. We also show that IW types are unique up to equivalence.
contains a proof that for a b : IW A B I C D i
(abbreviated IW i
a = b
is equivalent to
{x : A & (forall c : B x, IW (D x c) * (forall c : B x, IW (D x c))}
(fun (x, _, _) => B x)
{i : I & IW i * IW i}
(fun (x, children1, children2) => (C x, sup x children1, sup x children2))
(fun (x, children1, children2) (c : B x) => (D x c, children1 c, children2 c))
(i, a, b)
In FiberEquiv.v
, we show that for a b : IW i,
{(x, children1, children2) & (C x, sup x children1, sup x children2) = (i, a, b)}
is equivalent to
data_part a = data_part b :> {x & C x = i}
that is, the fibers of C for equality as above are equivalent to equality in a fiber of C
In FiberProperties.v
, we show that if the fibers of C
are mere propositions, then IW A B I C D i
is a mere proposition for all i
and that if the fibers of C
have decidable equality, then IW A B I C D i
has decidable equality for all i.
Combined with the results in CharacterizeIWEquality.v
and FiberEquiv.v
this implies that all positive h-levels are inherited from the fibers of C by induction.
If you represent usual W types by setting I=1
, then this matches the result by Danielsson:
Finally, in a different vein, we show that IW types can be reduced to W types by typechecking W A B
in ReductIWtoW.v
This is a known result, which I found in
Indexed Containers by Thorsten Altenkirch and Peter Morris
Modules Adjointification.v
, FunctionExtensionality.v
, SigmaEta.v
, Eqdep_dec.v
contain nothing new.
They contain standard lemmas used in the main proofs.