A Face Recognition System for 2.5 lakh unique faces using a multi-level KNN clusters and a ResNet-34 model.Recognition involves pre-processing (face detection & landmark generation + alignment) and then inference using ResNet-34 model. The KNN structure involve 4 layers and each layer node have maximum of 9 levels. The final output is a HashMap with keys of type int and value is array of normalized vector for future recognition purpose.
File Description:
Aligner_frontal_v_1.0 --> Used for the frontal face detection and creation of embedding of the images using transfer learning from a ResNet-34 model.(We can obtain image embeddings from a ResNet-34 by taking the output of its second last Fully-connected layer which has a dimension of 512.)
Knn_model_v_1.0 --> Used for the classification of all the data using K-mean algorithm and creation of 1-D Numpy-array containg centroid of each layer.
Prediction_v_1.0 --> Used to predict the label of new input image using score of recognition which is basically a dot product divide by multiplication of magnitude of two vector.