Startmin is an open source, admin dashboard template for Bootstrap originally created by Start Bootstrap.
You can find a demo here.
- Navbar with left and right menu + Sidebar
- FontAwesome Icons (Version 4.7)
- Charts and sortable Data Tables
- Dashboard including nice Info Widgets
- Tabbed Panels with optional Dropdown
- Social Login Buttons using FontAwesome Icons
- Hero-sized Dashboard Info Widgets
- Tabbed Panels with optional Dropdown
- Left Menu in Top Navbar (optional)
- Top Navbar is black 🖤
- Up-to-date dependencies
To use this template, choose one of the following options to get started:
- Download the latest release as ZIP file from GitHub
- Clone this repository from GitHub
- Install using NPM
- Install using Composer
To install the template using NPM, run the following command and you will get the latest version:
$ npm i startmin
Install Composer if you don't already have it present on your system.
To install the template using Composer, run the following command and you will get the latest version:
$ composer require secondtruth/startmin
Have a bug or an issue with this template? Open a new issue here on GitHub.
Many thanks to Ed Preston (@epreston) for helping out!
Startmin is based on Start Bootstrap's SB Admin 2 (Legacy). Start Bootstrap was created and is maintained by David Miller.
This template is based on the Bootstrap framework created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thorton. It makes use of the FontAwesome icons created by Dave Gandy.
Many thanks to the snippet contributors at Bootsnipp.
Copyright 2013 – 2022 Christian Neff & Start Bootstrap LLC.
Code released under the MIT license.