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NJImgurServices for iOS

This static library allows you to integrate some Imgur services into your iOS application.


  • Upload images anonymously.
  • Login users using an Imgur account.
  • Upload images to user's account (requires login).
  • Sessions are automatically resumed and refreshed across app launches.
  • Tokens are securely saved into system's keychain.
  • Background uploading support.


iOS 6.0 or later is required. Unknown behaviour in iOS 5 or earlier.

Installation into your project

  1. Download this repository as a ZIP (or clone it).
  2. Copy the folder called "NJImgurServices Library" into your project.
  3. Inside your target's Build Settings, add "-ObjC" flag to "Other Linker Flags".
  4. Add Security.framework link.

Sample Application

SampleApp folder contains a very simple sample application in case you need it.



You'll need a clientId and clientSecret tokens. You can obtain those here.

Make sure to use OAuth 2 authrorization with a callback URL. You can use whatever you want as a callback (i.e.

Uploading an image

1. Import NJIController.h
#import "NJIController.h"
2. Setup your clientId and clientSecret.
[[NJIController instance] setClientId:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" clientSecret:@"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"];
3. Create an NJIUpload object.
NJIUpload *upload = [[NJIUpload alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"imageToUpload.png"]];
4. Start uploading
[[NJIController instance] uploadImage:upload withDelegate:self]
5. Add NJIUploadDelegate protocol to your interface
@interface MyClass : NSObject <NJIUploadDelegate>
6. Add delegate methods
- (void)failedToUploadImage:(NJIUpload *)image withError:(NJIResponseStatus)error
    NSLog(@"Failed to upload");

- (void)finishedUploadingImage:(NJIUpload *)image withResult:(NJIUploadImageResponse *)uploadResponse
    NSLog(@"Uploaded image link: %@",;

Uploading an image to a user's account

A user must be logged in with an Imgur account before your can start uploading images to his/her account.

1. Import NJIController.h
#import "NJIController.h"
2. Setup your clientId and clientSecret.
[[NJIController instance] setClientId:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" clientSecret:@"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"];
3. Setup your callback URL

This is the callback URL you entered when registering your application. You can check this in your Imgur account settings.

[[NJIController instance] setOAuthCallbackURL:@""];
4. Present the login interface

Login interface will be presented modally from a provided parent UIViewController.

- (void)actionLogin:(id)sender
    if ([[NJIController instance] loginWithParentViewController:self andDelegate:self])
        NSLog(@"Login appeared");
        NSLog(@"Login failed");
5. Add NJILoginDelegate to your interface
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController <NJIUploadDelegate>
6. Add delegate methods
- (void)successfullyLoggedInUser:(NJILoggedUser*)loggedUser
    NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Logged user: %@", loggedUser.username]);

- (void)loginCancelled

Checking if a user is logged in

Sessions persist across app launches. You can check if a user is logged in as follows:

NJILoggedUser* loggedUser = [[NJIController instance] loggedUser];
if (loggedUser)
    NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Logged user: %@", loggedUser.username]);
    NSLog(@"No user is logged in");

Logging out a user

You can logout a user simply by doing:

[[NJIController instance] logout];

Listening to logout notifications

A user may be automatically logged out if we detect that the session has expired and we are unable to get a new session. This may happen if the user unauthorize your application. It's a strange case though you should control it.

[[NJIController instance] addObserverToLogoutNotification:self selector:@selector(logoutNotification)];

You must unregister yourself as an observer if you're going to be deallocated. You can still add the dealloc method in ARC projects, just make sure you don't call super.

- (void)dealloc
    [[NJIController instance] removeObserverToLogoutNotification:self];

Checking credits

You can check remaining credits after uploading an image as follows:

- (void)finishedUploadingImage:(NJIUpload *)image withResult:(NJIUploadImageResponse *)uploadResponse
    NSLog(@"Remaining user credits: %@", uploadResponse.credits.userRemaining);

Read more about credits here.

Adding background uploading support

You can continue uploading images after the application is sent to the background by simply adding the following into your application delegate:

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
    [[NJIController instance] continueUnfinishedUploadsInBackground];

This will give you extra minutes to finish the uploads. Background tasking is limited by iOS, I think you have around 10 minutes before your app completely stops executing code.


Everything here is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.


Unofficial Imgur library for iOS






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