This static library allows you to integrate some Imgur services into your iOS application.
- Upload images anonymously.
- Login users using an Imgur account.
- Upload images to user's account (requires login).
- Sessions are automatically resumed and refreshed across app launches.
- Tokens are securely saved into system's keychain.
- Background uploading support.
iOS 6.0 or later is required. Unknown behaviour in iOS 5 or earlier.
- Download this repository as a ZIP (or clone it).
- Copy the folder called "NJImgurServices Library" into your project.
- Inside your target's Build Settings, add "-ObjC" flag to "Other Linker Flags".
- Add Security.framework link.
SampleApp folder contains a very simple sample application in case you need it.
You'll need a clientId and clientSecret tokens. You can obtain those here.
Make sure to use OAuth 2 authrorization with a callback URL. You can use whatever you want as a callback (i.e.
#import "NJIController.h"
[[NJIController instance] setClientId:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" clientSecret:@"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"];
NJIUpload *upload = [[NJIUpload alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"imageToUpload.png"]];
[[NJIController instance] uploadImage:upload withDelegate:self]
@interface MyClass : NSObject <NJIUploadDelegate>
- (void)failedToUploadImage:(NJIUpload *)image withError:(NJIResponseStatus)error
NSLog(@"Failed to upload");
- (void)finishedUploadingImage:(NJIUpload *)image withResult:(NJIUploadImageResponse *)uploadResponse
NSLog(@"Uploaded image link: %@",;
A user must be logged in with an Imgur account before your can start uploading images to his/her account.
#import "NJIController.h"
[[NJIController instance] setClientId:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" clientSecret:@"YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"];
This is the callback URL you entered when registering your application. You can check this in your Imgur account settings.
[[NJIController instance] setOAuthCallbackURL:@""];
Login interface will be presented modally from a provided parent UIViewController.
- (void)actionLogin:(id)sender
if ([[NJIController instance] loginWithParentViewController:self andDelegate:self])
NSLog(@"Login appeared");
NSLog(@"Login failed");
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController <NJIUploadDelegate>
- (void)successfullyLoggedInUser:(NJILoggedUser*)loggedUser
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Logged user: %@", loggedUser.username]);
- (void)loginCancelled
Sessions persist across app launches. You can check if a user is logged in as follows:
NJILoggedUser* loggedUser = [[NJIController instance] loggedUser];
if (loggedUser)
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Logged user: %@", loggedUser.username]);
NSLog(@"No user is logged in");
You can logout a user simply by doing:
[[NJIController instance] logout];
A user may be automatically logged out if we detect that the session has expired and we are unable to get a new session. This may happen if the user unauthorize your application. It's a strange case though you should control it.
[[NJIController instance] addObserverToLogoutNotification:self selector:@selector(logoutNotification)];
You must unregister yourself as an observer if you're going to be deallocated. You can still add the dealloc method in ARC projects, just make sure you don't call super.
- (void)dealloc
[[NJIController instance] removeObserverToLogoutNotification:self];
You can check remaining credits after uploading an image as follows:
- (void)finishedUploadingImage:(NJIUpload *)image withResult:(NJIUploadImageResponse *)uploadResponse
NSLog(@"Remaining user credits: %@", uploadResponse.credits.userRemaining);
Read more about credits here.
You can continue uploading images after the application is sent to the background by simply adding the following into your application delegate:
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
[[NJIController instance] continueUnfinishedUploadsInBackground];
This will give you extra minutes to finish the uploads. Background tasking is limited by iOS, I think you have around 10 minutes before your app completely stops executing code.
Everything here is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.