Helper for importing & exporting content for my next-modular-contentful boilerplate.
Modify the config files to your destination space (and source if you want to export).
Install the contentful cli
npm install -g contentful-cli
In this repository root, run
contentful space import --config import-config.json
It will by default create the modular content types into your contentful space.
"spaceId": "source space id",
"environmentId": "master",
"managementToken": "destination space management token",
"deliveryToken": "token to export both entries and assets from the Contentful Delivery API",
"exportDir": "/path/to/export/directory",
"saveFile": true,
"contentFile": "export.json",
"includeDrafts": false,
"includeArchived": false,
"skipContentModel": false,
"skipContent": false,
"skipRoles": false,
"skipWebhooks": false,
"contentOnly": false,
"queryEntries": ["content_type=<content_type_id>", "<entry_id>"],
"queryAssets": ["fields.title=Example"],
"downloadAssets": false,
"host": "",
"proxy": "https://user:password@host:port",
"rawProxy": false,
"maxAllowedLimit": 1000,
"limit": 25000,
"errorLogFile": "/path/to/error.log",
"useVerboseRenderer": false
If you'd like to fork and export your own space, you can do so.
contentful space export --config export-config.json