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Jakarta EE 9 Platform TCK Questions Answers

Scott Marlow edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 4 revisions

Question: How can I add a question?

Answer: Join the jakartaee-tck-dev mailing list and ask your question there. The TCK committers will see your question and try to answer it when they can. The question/answer can be copied here by the TCK committers.](

Question: From jaxrs-dev/msg00847.html When extending the JAX-RS TCK, apparently unique Assertion Numbers have to get assigned. Is there some list of the existing assertions somewhere? How to know the next free number?

Answer: From jaxrs-dev/msg00848.html

From that an HTML version is generated:

And just to be sure nobody accidentally deletes them, there's also a backup copy being kept here:

If you update the spec document, all those 3 files need to be updated to mirror exactly what's in the spec document, as the "JAXRSSpecAssertions.xml" file essentially contains verbatim quotes from the spec document. The HTML versions are manually updated these days, since the tools to generate them have largely been lost (there's some stuff here though:

Question: Why does running the Platform TCK JMS tests give a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/ts/lib/porting/TSJMSObjects?

Answer: Update your ts.jte to set platform.mode=jakartaEE instead of the now unsupported platform.mode=javaee.

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