Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant
fastapi-mqtt is extension for MQTT protocol
Full stack, modern web application template. Using FastAPI, React, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, Docker, GitHub Actions, automatic HTTPS and more.
Real-time Space Exploration Dashboard built with Python and Dash. Features daily data updates, interactive visualizations, and deployed on Google Cloud Run
Tasking Manager - The tool to team up for mapping in OpenStreetMap
Build your own Raster dynamic map tile services
Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, PostgreSQL as database, Nuxt3, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, PostgreSQL as database, Nuxt3, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
Free Weather Forecast API for non-commercial use
Efficient analysis of large datasets of point clouds recorded over time
Evapotranspiration (ET) models for use in python and with integration into Google Earth Engine
This repository is to demostrate some good practices for structuring a Dash app.
Sample Jupyter notebooks for EOdal
Plotly Dash components based on Mantine React Components
A set of tools to use in Google Earth Engine Code Editor (JavaScript)
Load and style Raster files in Leaflet (geotiff & asciigrid)
The Helios simulation system is a versatile modeling framework that handles tasks such as managing geometry and associated data structures through a C++ API. Plug-ins build off of the Helios core e…
📊 InfluxDB, Grafana, and Traefik in Docker Compose (TLS-secured metrics solution)
A python Two Source Energy Balance model for estimation of evapotranspiration with remote sensing data
A new open source and web tool to estimate actual ET based on SEBAL model.
ROS 1 driver for SBG Systems IMU/AHRS/INS units such as ELLIPSE or QUANTA.
tools to create & update a backup of a running RPiOS system to a raw image file
a Python model to manage thermal infrared camera data
STM32 HAL library to manage a Melexis MLX90614 sensor
receive signals from wireless weather sensors from Fine Offset, Alecto and look alikes with standard and modified Jeenodes and arduino.