This dashboard is designed to display energy expenditure data from the NHS. It is designed to be used by clinicians to understand the data taken from previous patients to help in the support of new patients.
- Implement machine learning view.
This program attempts to load data from these CSV files which contain the following headers. They are not all essential, but please ensure your file follows the same format. For more information please see:
where the files are processedsrc/graphing.js
where the graphs display the processed data
Observation data:
- PatientIDnew
- DoB
- Age
- Gender
- Dept
- UnitFromTime
- UnitToTime
- eCaMISDischargeDate
- Abbreviation
- ObsValue
- MarkedInError
- UnitName
- ObsTime
- ObsValidationTime
Drug administration data:
- PatientIDnew
- DoB
- Age
- Gender
- Dept
- UnitFromTime
- UnitToTime
- eCaMISDischargeDate
- DoseFormName
- RouteName
- OrderID1
- StartTime
- DrugName
- AdministeredDose
- ActualDose
- BatchNumberValue
- Frequency
- TemplateName
In src/graphing.js
, the chart.js parameters use the individual patient data by the selected patient on the select element.
The tooltips can be modified with new data supplied in src/data.js
- for example, adding a new header into the CSV file can be added to the patient object when the data is processed:
path: src/data.js
line: 67
var PatientTemp = {
PatientIDnew: data[x].PatientIDnew,
UnitToTime: data[x].UnitToTime,
eCaMISDischargeDate: data[x].eCaMISDischargeDate,
Observations: [],
AdminDrugs: []
newData: data[x].newData // from CSV file
And then used in the graph:
path: src/graphing.js
line: 42
callbacks: {
// Create the tooltip after label
afterLabel: function (tooltipItem) {
// Create an array to hold all the data for the selected point
var tooltipLabelArray = [];
tooltipLabelArray.push(patient.Observations.find(x => x.ObsTime == obsTime && x.Abbreviation == "Set PEEP (or CPAP)"));
return tooltipText;
Or added to the datasets in either observations or drug administration, by adding it to either array:
path: src/graphing.js
line: 116
data: {
labels: => x.ObsTime),
datasets: [{
label: 'HR',
data: => x.Abbreviation == "*HR" ? x.ObsValue : null),
label: 'RR',
data: => x.Abbreviation == "*RR" ? x.ObsValue : null),
label: 'newDataLabel',
data: => x.newData == "example" ? x.ObsValue : null),