It is estimated that over 10 million Americans experience domestic violence annually. One of the main reasons people choose to stay in these types of situations is lack of resources. HelpList's mission is to crowdsource resources to lessen the burden for survivors, and make providing resources easy and accessible to the everyday person.
- HelpList allows victims of domestic violence in collaboration with an organization to create personalized wishlist's of needed items to post anonymously.
- Users can select a facility, select a wishlist, and purchase items from wishlists to be sent directly to the organization and survivors.
- Ruby 3.1.1
- Rails 7.0.4
| Adam Baily | Andra Helton | Axel De La Guardia | Elle Majors | Jade Stewart |
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions