Complete this following task below to get win a Free DSC Swag, complete bonus tasks and get an extra sticker 😉
Before you start make sure you have git installed in your laptop, if you don't have git installed, click here to get it
Fork this repository to your account (learn how to fork repositories here).
Clone your forked repo to your laptop (learn how to clone here).
Create a Folder in your Your full Name in the repository.
Add an file in your folder, write your Name, Email Address and write a little about yourself. (see the Example Folder)
When done Create a folder that will contain your code for either of the project below (choose one or more, the more the task the more the points):
- Create a todo list using either Android or Web (4 points)
- Create a Stylesheet using css grid on for Web (2 points)
- Create a Portfolio website (3 points bonus )
Once completed Add your Full Name to the file, Push (how to push) your code and create a Pull request (How to pull request).
🚀 Tweet about your completed tasks using the hash tag #30DaysChallenge #DSCYabatech @DSCYabatech #DSCSSA
Once Completed you will recieve a mail from us congratulating you on your completion as you automaically qualify to pick up your prize after the 30Days Challenge has ended (7th of April 2019). Lets get the party started ❇️ ❇️ 🚀 🚀