- Heroku CLI -
brew install heroku/brew/heroku
- PHP -
brew install [email protected]
- Composer -
brew install composer
- Nginx -
brew install nginx
- MariaDB -
brew install mariadb
- NodeJS -
brew install node
or NVM - Gulp CLI -
npm install -g gulp-cli
- Remove
http { ... }
block from/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
brew services start --all
or:brew services start nginx
brew services start [email protected]
brew services start mariadb
mysql -u root
,CREATE DATABASE database_name;
- Update environment variables in the
- Database name
composer install
heroku local
cd /web/app/themes/jaakkolehtonen-wp-theme
npm install
gulp watch
- Automatically handle changes to CSS and JS. Also kicks off BrowserSync.
gulp i18n
- Scan the theme and create a POT file.
gulp sass:lint
- Run Sass against code standards.
gulp js:lint
- Run Javascript against code standards.
gulp scripts
- Concatenate and minify javascript files.
gulp styles
- Compile, prefix, combine media queries, and minify CSS files.
- Runs the following tasks at the same time: i18n, scripts, styles.