A space flying game where you race against the clock trying to conquer or destroy planets.
A course project in the course Software Development Methods at the University of Helsinki in 2019
Requirements specification document (in Finnish)
Work-hour records (in Finnish)
Architecture description (in Finnish)
Testing documentation (in Finnish)
Control and steer the space ship with arrow keys. Down arrow deaccellerates and space fires a torpedo.
Run the test with the command
mvn test
Create a test coverage report with the command
mvn jacoco:report
You can inspect the test coverage report by opening target/site/jacoco/index.html in your browser
The check-ups specified in checkstyle.xml are run with the command
mvn jxr:jxr checkstyle:checkstyle
Inspect the possible errors by opening target/site/checkstyle.html in your browser.
The command
mvn package
generates an executable jar file PlanetWars-1.01.jar in the directory target
JavaDoc is generated by running the command
mvn javadoc:javadoc
You can inspect the JavaDoc by opening the file target/site/apidocs/index.html in your browser.