Comic Sailor is used to read webcomics on SailfishOS mobile devices.
** IMPORTANT ** Comic Sailor is still in early development. There are many bugs that cause crashes as well as other annoyances.
Source code can be found in github: Installable rpm package can be found in openrepos:
Currently XKCD works best, other comics are a bit unreliable.
- Diesel Sweeties:
- Spiked Math:
- Peebles Lab: (Comic Sailor doesn't check for updates for Peebles Lab since it appears to be discontinued)
More comics will be added later.
If you are a comic author and wish to include or exclude your comic from the app, contact me. If you are a user and want to read your favorite non-creative commons comic with Comic Sailor, ask the author of the comic for permission and notify me.
Comic Sailor is MIT-licensed. See LICENSE for details. See each comic for the individual license.
All currently supported comics are released under a Creative Commons license. The program respects copyrights!
Comic Sailor uses these libraries to handle downloading the content:
- libcurl
- QtCore
Comic Sailor does not save copies of any comics. The list of available comic strips will be dynamically generated by parsing the comic websites. If a comic changes the website structure, Comic Sailor stops working.
Source code written in C, C++ and QML
WWW: jaacoppi @ IRC: jaacoppi @ Freenode