- 申请试用License的链接 Start a Free Trial.
- 确定要安装的产品
- 查看架构和系统要求 System Architecture and System Requirements
- 准备服务器
- Install Artifactory
- Install Insight (Enterprise/Enterprise+ only)
- Apply your JFrog License depending on your license type, you can:
- either deploy a license manually to Artifactory (using the onboarding wizard on initial startup)
- or use a license bucket after connecting Insight
- Install Artifactory Edge node(s) (optional)
- The installation process is identical to installing any other Artifactory instance.
- Install Xray
- Trial License: upload it to your JPD as a separate file. Read more about the JFrog Xray trial.
- Install Distribution
- Configure Distribution
- Install Pipelines
Subscription Type | JFrog Products to Install |
Artifactory OSS (Free) | JFrog Artifactory Open Source: Maven and Generic Package Manager Repository OSS安装包 |
Artifactory CE (Free) | JFrog Artifactory Conan Edition: Conan C/C++ and Generic Package Manager Repository CE安装包 |
JFrog Container Registry (Free) | JFrog Container Registry (Powered by Artifactory): Docker, Helm and Generic Package Manager Repository Container安装包 |
Pro | JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository |
Pro X | JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository JFrog Xray: Security and Compliance Scanning |
Enterprise X | JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository JFrog Xray: Security and Compliance Scanning |
Enterprise+ | JFrog Artifactory: Universal Package Manager Repository JFrog Insight: Manage DevOps Insights JFrog Xray: Security and Compliance Scanning JFrog Pipelines: CI/CD pipeline orchestration JFrog Distribution: Global software distribution |
8081和8082是外部的访问端口 其他端口:
Microservice | Port |
Artifactory | 8081 |
Access | 8040 and 8045 |
Web | 8070 |
Replicator | 8048 and 9092 |
Metadata | 8086 |
Router | 8082, 8046, 8047, 8049, and 8091 |
Events | 8061 and 8062 |
Integration | 8071 and 8072 |
JFConnect | 8030 |
Observability | 8036 |
gRPC | 8037 |
8082是外部的访问端口 其他端口:
Microservice | Port |
Xray Server | 8000 |
Analysis | 7000 |
Indexer | 7002 |
Persist | 7003 |
Router | 8082, 8046, 8047, and 8049 |
RabbitMQ | 4369, 5671, 5672, 15672, and 25672 |
PostgreSQL (bundled PostgreSQL) | 5432 |
Observability | 8036 |
gRPC | 8037 |
默认账户和密码(Default credential for Artifactory:)
user: admin
password: password
Cenotos7.x虚拟机 2台 (VirtualBox提供) - 此虚拟机不支持安装Artifactory7.77.3及以上的版本,说明:
Operating Systems - End of Support As part of JFrog commitment to maintain the security and reliability of the JFrog Platform, Artifactory will officially run with Node.js 20.x on all installation types from Artifactory 7.77.3.
Node.js 20.x provided with Linux Archive/Debian/RPM installations (non-containerized distributions) is not supported on the following operating systems.
Ubuntu 18.04 (has reached End of Standard Support on May 31, 2023).
RHEL 7.x - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x (has reached End of Full Support on 2019)
Centos 7.x (has reached End of Active Support on 2020).
Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 SP5 ( will reach End of Standard Support on October 31, 2024)
Amazon Linux 2 (no support for Node.js 20x)
Hence, these operating systems will no longer supported from Artifactory version 7.77.3.
- 2c4g100G for Artifactory
- 4c8g200G for Xray
- 8c16g300G for K8s
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
yum -y install ntpdate net-tools
/usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp1.aliyun.com
echo "*/10 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp1.aliyun.com" >> /var/spool/cron/root
关闭防火墙 (在Docker compose 的安装方式中,不执行此步骤)
systemctl disable firewalld && systemctl stop firewalld
关闭IpV6 (在Docker compose 的安装方式中,不执行此步骤) 第一种方法是通过 /etc/sysctl.conf 文件对 /proc 进行永久修改。
sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
#禁用某一个指定接口的IPv6(例如:eth0, lo)
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6 = 1
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
如果安装过程中遇到问题或启动失败,可以将以下内容发送到我的邮箱-不保证回复([email protected])
- console.log
- journalctl -xe