The easiest way of learning iyzipay API is testing the web endpoints by using Postman or SoapUI. We created a set of configurations on Postman. You can import the collection file in this project in you local Postman or SoapUI application and start using.
The tests will run on Sandbox environment.
First, you need api key and secret key. In order to get these values, complete the following steps:
- Register from merchant registration page of Sandbox
- Open settings page
- Click on API Key and Secret Key boxes to see and copy the required values
- Copy these values. You will need to paste them in Postman.
Then open Postman and follow these steps:
- Import iyzipay API collection file in postman
- Run Heathcheck service. These will add two global values to Postman.
- Click on eye icon on the right top of Postman UI. Paste apiKey and secretKey values to related fields.
Now you can continue using Postman for testing iyzipay API.
The best way of automating API testing is using Postman, Newman and Jenkins. You can check the details from How to write powerful automated API tests with Postman, Newman and Jenkins
You can also use SoapUI for running the tests. You can check the details from Importing SoapUI projects into Postman
These tests are originally developed by Kurtuluş Şahin from iyzico.