Filename | Description |
hash_table | Hash Table Implementation |
heap | Heap Implementation |
linked_list | Linked-List and Sorted Linked-List Implementations |
queues_fifos | Queue/FIFO (Linear & Circular) Implementation |
sparse_array | Sparse Array Implementation[TODO] |
triangular_array | Triangular Array Implementation |
Filename | Description |
graph_utils | Helper Utilities for Creating Graphs |
bfs_hops_from | BFS and Find Hops (Distance) from Node |
mst_kruskals | Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Kruskals's Algorithm |
mst_prims | Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) using Prim's Algorithm |
shortest_path | Find Shortest Paths using Label Setting |
Filename | Description |
tree_utils | Helper Tree Utilities for Making/Printing/Checking Binary Trees |
sorted_binary_tree | Find/Insert/Remove Nodes from Sorted Binary Tree |
tree_traversals | Pre/Post/In-Order, and BFS, Tree Traversals |
Filename | Description |
sort_check | Helper Utilities for Checking Sorting implementations |
bubble_sort | Bubble Sort |
counting_sort | Counting Sort |
heap_sort | Heap Sort |
insertion_sort | Insertion Sort |
merge_sort | Merge Sort |
quick_sort | Quick Sort |
selection_sort | Selection Sort |
Filename | Description |
fib_fact | Fibonacci, Factorial |
gcd_lcm | GCM, LCM |
num_integration | Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal Approximation |
prime_factors | Prime Factorization |
primes | Finding and Testing Primes |
Filename | Description |
anagrams | Find all Word Anagrams |
binary_search | Perform Binary Search on a Sorted List |
combinations | Find all possible subsets of given size where order does not matter |
max_combinations | Find Combinations of a subset that sums up maximally to a target |
tower_hanoi | Tower of Hanoi (Moving Discs between Pegs) |
train_stacks_sort | Sort the carriages of a train using a set of shunting tracks |