Warning⚠: this project was taken over by better developers: https://github.com/codehz/cfworker-balancer
A Go and php based automated cloudflare worker triage system for high volume free cloudflare worker users (more suitable for alist users).
Need to add scheduled tasks to be executed every 2-5 minutes
带有特定后缀反向代理直接返回功能的分流程序 Triage program with direct return from reverse proxies with specific suffixes
全局走workers的版本 Globally walk the version of workers
直接获取源link的版本 Get the version of the source link directly
使用cloudflare的国家返回头进行分流的版本 A version of triage using cloudflare's country return header
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
location = /config.json {
deny all;
return 403;