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automately is the official npm module of AutoMately, a free module for automating mouse and keyboard inputs on Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- Automate mouse movements
- Automate mouse clicks
- Automate keyboard inputs
Install with npm if you plan to use automately
in a Node project or in the browser.
npm install automately
const { keyboard, Key, mouse, Button, screen, Region } = require('automately');
After you have followed the install step, you can start using automately
to create custom text snippets that you can access on all of your devices
For a more in-depth documentation of this library and the AutoMately service, please visit the official AutoMately website.
- autoDelayMs: Configures the delay between keypresses.
Example:keyboard.config.autoDelayMs = 100;
Types given keys or strings.
await keyboard.type(Key.LeftSuper, Key.Space);
await keyboard.type('calculator);
Presses and holds multiple keys.
await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);
await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);
Releases multiple keys.
await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);
await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftAlt, Key.F4);
- autoDelayMs: Configures the delay between mouse clicks and/or scrolls.
Example:mouse.config.autoDelayMs = 100;
- mouseSpeed: Configures mouse movement speed in pixels per second.
Example:mouse.config.mouseSpeed = 1000;
Moves the mouse cursor to a given position instantly.
await mouse.setPosition(new Point(500, 500));
Returns a Promise resolving to the current cursor position.
const position = await mouse.getPosition();
console.log(position); // Point { x: 500, y: 500 }
Moves the mouse cursor along a given path.
await mouse.move(straightTo(centerOf(await screen.find('image.png'))));
- confidence: Specifies the required matching percentage for image searching.
Example:screen.config.confidence = 0.95;
- autoHighlight: Enables automated highlighting of image search results.
Example:screen.config.autoHighlight = true;
- highlightDurationMs: Configures the duration of highlight window display.
Example:screen.config.highlightDurationMs = 500;
- highlightOpacity: Configures the opacity of highlight windows.
Example:screen.config.highlightOpacity = 0.7;
- resourceDirectory: Configures the asset directory for image resources.
Example:screen.config.resourceDirectory = '/path/to/resources';
Captures a screenshot and stores it to the filesystem.
await screen.capture('/path/to/screenshot.png');
Captures a screenshot of a specific region and stores it to the filesystem.
const region = new Region(0, 0, 100, 100);
await screen.captureRegion(region, '/path/to/region_screenshot.png');
Finds a match for a given image on the screen.
await mouse.move(straightTo(centerOf(await screen.find('image.png'))));
Finds all matches for a given image on the screen.
const matches = await screen.findAll('image.png');
for (const match of matches) {
await mouse.move(straightTo(centerOf(match)));
Displays an opaque window overlay for easier visual follow-up.
await screen.highlight(await screen.find('image.png'));
Registers callbacks executed upon finding a match for a template image.
const colorQuery = pixelWithColor(new RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255));
const secondQuery = pixelWithColor(new RGBA(43, 45, 48, 255));
screen.on(colorQuery, async (matchResult) => {
await mouse.move(straightTo(matchResult.location));
screen.on(secondQuery, async (matchResult) => {
console.log('Second query found');
await screen.find(colorQuery); // Triggers callback
await mouse.move(straightTo(new Point(100, 100)));
await screen.find(secondQuery); // Triggers callback
await screen.find(colorQuery); // Triggers callback again
Waits for a match for a given image on the screen within a specified timeout.
await mouse.move(straightTo(centerOf(await screen.waitFor('image.png', 3000, 500))));
Returns RGBA color information at a specified pixel location.
const color = await screen.colorAt(new Point(0, 0));
console.log(color); // RGBA { R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255 }
Returns the main screen's width in pixels.
const width = await screen.width();
console.log(width); // e.g. 1920
Returns the main screen's height in pixels.
const height = await screen.height();
console.log(height); // e.g. 1080
AutoMately is a free text snippet manager that lets you create custom text snippets that you can access on all of your devices!
If you are still having difficulty, we would love for you to post a question to the AutoMately issues page. It is much easier to answer questions that include your code and relevant files! So if you can provide them, we'd be extremely grateful (and more likely to help you find the answer!)
Ask us to have your project listed! :)