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Add continuous maze.
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mohsen-ghaffari1992 committed Sep 22, 2023
1 parent 93d2282 commit 7a10ee0
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@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package symsim
package examples.concrete.continuousmaze

import cats.{Eq, Foldable, Monad}
import cats.kernel.BoundedEnumerable

import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}

import symsim.concrete.Randomized


case class MazeState (x: Double, y: Double):
override def toString: String = s"[x=$x, y=$y]"

type MazeObservableState = MazeState
type MazeReward = Double

enum Direction:
case R, L, U, D

enum Velocity:
case B, S

type MazeAction = (Direction, Velocity)

val MAZE_LENGTH: Int = 4
val MAZE_WIDTH: Int = 3

val BIG_STEP: Double = 1
val SMALL_STEP: Double = 0.5

object ContinuousMaze
Agent[MazeState, MazeObservableState, MazeAction, MazeReward, Randomized],

val TimeHorizon: Int = 2000

def isFinal (s: MazeState): Boolean =
s == MazeState (MAZE_LENGTH, MAZE_WIDTH) || s == MazeState (MAZE_LENGTH, MAZE_WIDTH - 1)

// Maze is discrete
def observe (s: MazeState): MazeObservableState = MazeState (s.x.floor, s.y.floor)

// We are not using the original reward function from AIAMA as it
// gives to unstable learning results
private def mazeReward (s: MazeState): MazeReward = s match
case MazeState (MAZE_LENGTH, MAZE_WIDTH) => +0.0 // Good final state
case MazeState (MAZE_LENGTH, y) if y == MAZE_WIDTH - 1 => -1000.0 // Bad final state (dead)
case MazeState (_, _) => -1.0

def distort (a: MazeAction): Randomized[MazeAction] = a match
case (Direction.U, a._2) | (Direction.D, a._2) =>
Randomized.oneOf ((Direction.R, a._2), (Direction.L, a._2))
case (Direction.L, a._2) | (Direction.R, a._2) =>
Randomized.oneOf((Direction.U, a._2), (Direction.D, a._2))

def successor (s: MazeState) (a: MazeAction): MazeState =
require (valid (s))

val result = a match
case (Direction.U, Velocity.B) => MazeState (s._1, s._2 + BIG_STEP)
case (Direction.U, Velocity.S) => MazeState (s._1, s._2 + SMALL_STEP)
case (Direction.D, Velocity.B) => MazeState (s._1, s._2 - BIG_STEP)
case (Direction.D, Velocity.S) => MazeState (s._1, s._2 - SMALL_STEP)
case (Direction.R, Velocity.B) => MazeState (s._1 + BIG_STEP, s._2)
case (Direction.R, Velocity.S) => MazeState (s._1 + SMALL_STEP, s._2)
case (Direction.L, Velocity.B) => MazeState (s._1 - BIG_STEP, s._2)
case (Direction.L, Velocity.S) => MazeState (s._1 - SMALL_STEP, s._2)
if valid (result) then result else s

def valid (s: MazeState): Boolean =
s._1 >= 1 && s._1 <= 4 && s._2 >= 1 && s._2 <= 3 && s != MazeState (2, 2)

val attention = 0.8

def step (s: MazeState) (a: MazeAction): Randomized[(MazeState, MazeReward)] =
precise <- Randomized.coin (attention)
action <- if precise then Randomized.const (a) else distort (a)
newState = successor (s) (action)
yield (newState, mazeReward (newState))

def initialize: Randomized[MazeState] =
Randomized.repeat (Randomized.oneOf (instances.allObservableStates*))
.filter (s => !isFinal (s))

val instances = ContinuousMazeInstances

end ContinuousMaze

/** Here is a proof that our types actually deliver on everything that an Agent
* needs to be able to do to work in the framework.
object ContinuousMazeInstances
extends AgentConstraints[MazeState, MazeObservableState, MazeAction, MazeReward, Randomized]:

given enumAction: BoundedEnumerable[MazeAction] =
BoundedEnumerableFromList ((Direction.U, Velocity.B), (Direction.U, Velocity.S),
(Direction.D, Velocity.B), (Direction.D, Velocity.S),
(Direction.R, Velocity.B), (Direction.R, Velocity.S),
(Direction.L, Velocity.B), (Direction.L, Velocity.S))

given enumState: BoundedEnumerable[MazeObservableState] =
val ss = for
y <- (1 to MAZE_WIDTH).toSeq
x <- (1 to MAZE_LENGTH).toSeq
result = MazeState (x, y)
if ContinuousMaze.valid (result)
yield result
BoundedEnumerableFromList (ss*)

given schedulerIsMonad: Monad[Randomized] = Randomized.randomizedIsMonad

given schedulerIsFoldable: Foldable[Randomized] = Randomized.randomizedIsFoldable

given canTestInScheduler: CanTestIn[Randomized] = Randomized.canTestInRandomized

lazy val genMazeState: Gen[MazeState] = for
y <- Gen.choose[Double](1, MAZE_WIDTH)
x <- Gen.choose[Double](1, MAZE_LENGTH)
if (x != 2 && y != 2)
yield MazeState (x.abs, y.abs)

given arbitraryState: Arbitrary[MazeState] = Arbitrary (genMazeState)

given eqMazeState: Eq[MazeState] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals

given arbitraryReward: Arbitrary[MazeReward] = Arbitrary (Gen.double)

given rewardArith: Arith[MazeReward] = Arith.arithDouble

end ContinuousMazeInstances
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package symsim
package examples.concrete.continuousmaze

import ContinuousMaze.instances.given

class SarsaExperiments
extends ExperimentSpec[MazeState, MazeState, MazeAction]:

val sarsa = symsim.concrete.ConcreteSarsa (
agent = ContinuousMaze,
alpha = 0.1,
gamma = 1,
epsilon = 0.05,
episodes = 50000,

s"SimpleMaze experiment with ${sarsa}" in {
val policy = learnAndLog (sarsa)

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