Passgen is a full-stack web application designed to users enhance online security by generating strong and unique passwords. Built on the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack and fortified with user authentication, Passgen allows you to create and manage strong strong, ensuring the safety of your digital accounts.
- Password Generation: Create strong and complex passwords with ease.
- User Authentication: Secure user registration and login system to personalize your password management experience.
- Password Storage: Save and organize your generated passwords for easy access.
Passgen leverages modern web technologies to provide a seamless and secure password-generation experience.
Frontend: React, Axios
Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Bcrypt
External API: Integration with various password strength analysis tools for enhanced security.
git clone
npm install
Start the server
npm start
Start the client
cd ..
cd client
npm start