Aerial is a single page, single screen responsive site template. It is a port of HTML5 UP's Aerial theme.
Run the following commands inside the folder of your Hugo site:
$ cd themes
$ git clone
After installation, you only need to configure the config.toml file and, if desired, change the background picture.
Copy the config.toml file from the exampleSite folder into your root folder of your Hugo site. Change the fields as needed. Be sure to change the baseurl. Add or delete social media as needed. You may need to look up the font-awesome icon names. The icon field should be filled out without the "fa" prefix. The icon field for Twitter should be twitter
instead of fa-twitter
Should you choose to change the background, create a /static/css/images
folder and add a picture named bg.jpg
. For the best results, follow these instructions:
The Scrolling Background:
This relies entirely on CSS to do its thing, which is cool, but that makes
changing it a bit weird/tricky at first. You can still use pretty much any image
you want, but for best results make sure yours is:
- Horizontally tileable.
- Wide and short.
- About 1500px wide.
- Fades to a solid color either at the top of bottom (which is used to fill
the empty space above or below your image).
Now, there are two ways to use it: with CSS, or with Sass:
Look for this line in css/style.css (line 108 as of this writing):
background: #348cb2 url("images/bg.jpg") bottom left;
and use it to set the page background color, URL, and placement of
your image. It should be as close to 1500px wide as you can get it.
Set the value of $bg to the page background color, URL, and placement
of your image. Change $bg-width if your image is something other than
1500px wide.
Should you choose to add custom js snippet, create a layouts/partials
folder with js.html
file and put your js code in this file.
This can be useful for adding Google Analytics. Just add {{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}
to the file and configure the config file with your googleAnalytics
tracking id.
You can customize a favicon.ico
by adding it to static
This theme is released under the CC BY 3.0 license. For more information, read the License.