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A simple es6 linked FIFO queue in the pattern of es6 Map and Set. Includes typescript libdefs. Suitable for node or browser environments. Supports native es imports in node > 13.2.


const Queue = require('@iter-tools/queue'); // OR
import Queue from '@iter-tools/queue';

const q = new Queue([1, 2, 3]);
[...q]; // [1, 2, 3, 4]
q.size; // 4
q.shift(); // 1
q.shift(); // 2
q.shift(); // 3
q.shift(); // 4
q.size; // 0
q.shift(); // undefined

Until Typescript supports package exports you must enable esModuleInterop to use this module.


 * The values which has been in the queue longest is its head.
 * The most recent addition is the tail.
class Queue<T> {
   * Returns true if `inst` is a Queue.
   * This does not necessarily imply instanceof, but the check
   * is safe across frame boundaries, as it is done by looking for
   * Queue[Symbol.for('@iter-tools/queue')]
  static isQueue(inst): boolean;

   * An optional iterable of `values` to be pushed into the queue
   * in sequence. If `null` or `undefined` are passed the queue will
   * have no initial values.
  constructor(values?: Iterable<T>);

   * The number of values in the queue
  size: number;

   * Empties the queue of all values.

   * Returns the value at the head of the queue.
  peek(): T | undefined;

   * Removes the value at the head of the queue and returns it.
  shift(): T | undefined;

   * Adds `value` at the tail of the queue.
  push(value: T);

   * Calls `cb(value, index, queue)` for each value in the queue.
    cb: (value: T, index: number, queue: Queue) => any,

   * Yields sequential 0-based indexes, one for each queued value.
   * The index 0 indicates the head.
  keys(): IterableIterator<number>;

   * Yields the queued values from head to tail.
  values(): IterableIterator<T>;

   * Yields `[index, value]` tuples for each value in the queue.
  entries(): IterableIterator<[number, T]>;

   * The default iterator. Equivalent to `values()`.
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;


An es6-style iterable queue






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