Create timesheet Excel with a tab per month with Belgian holidays.
Send to:
- Freelancer: [email protected]
- Consultant: [email protected]
A new project where we use our timesheet template.
Add a json file to Itenium.Timesheet.Console\Projects
"ConsultantName": "",
"Customer": "",
"CustomerReference": "",
"ProjectName": "",
"IsFreelancer": 0
Create the templates:
dotnet run --project .\Itenium.Timesheet.Console\Itenium.Timesheet.Console.csproj
Output Excels in Itenium.Timesheet.Console\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1
- Generic template for Consultants
- Generic template for Freelancers
- Specific project template per json file in
And then save them on the OneDrive in the folder internal process
Or use the Desktop application (Itenium.Timesheet.WinForms) to fill in the parameters with a UI.
Create km vergoeding Excel with a tab per month with Belgian holidays.
Send to: [email protected]