This testsuite uses Robot Framework. For SL*, Robot Framework is not on a repository, and it is needed to manually install it
First install python 2.6
yum install python 26
then download Robot (actually 2.7.7 is the latest version) and install it:
tar -xzf robotframework-2.7.7.tar.gz
cd robotframework-2.7.7
sudo python26 install
You need EGI-trustanchors repo installed on your host. Download it and move it into /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. Then launch:
yum clean all
Install also the latest EMI repositories (you can find the latest SL5 or SL6 rpm here):
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck emi-release-3.0.0-2.el6.noarch.rpm
in case of an SL6 installation.
Tests are made for IGI-test-CA signed certificates, so download this rpm and install it with rpm -ivh command.
rpm -ivh igi-test-ca-1.0.2-2.noarch.rpm
This testsuite needs to execute several clients' commands. For example, it needs to use commands of:
- StoRM clientSRM
- dCache srmclient
- LCG-utils
- ldap client
- VOMS client
So, including all the dependencies, the following packages have to be installed on testsuite host:
- java openjdk 1.6.0
- openldap-clients
- ca-policy-egi-core
- globus-gass-copy-progs
- emi-storm-srm-client-mp
- lcg-util
- voms-clients
- dcache-srmclient
yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk openldap-clients ca-policy-egi-core globus-gass-copy-progs emi-storm-srm-client-mp lcg-util voms-clients dcache-srmclient
As seen before, the voms clients package installed, i.e. voms-proxy-* commands must be available. Actually, the testsuite needs to create a VOMS proxy for the VO, so configure your VOMS client to satisfy this requirement (add the needed files to /etc/vomses and /etc/grid-security/vomsdir).
You need git installed at this point. If it's not installed run:
yum install git
Checkout the code using the following command:
git clone
Execute the Robot Framework command-line passing at least the storm backend hostname (a standalone deployment scenario):
pybot --pythonpath .:lib --variable backEndHost:<your-BE-hostname> tests/
If you want to exclude the tests which probably faile cause they check code that needs to be fixed, run:
pybot --pythonpath .:lib --variable backEndHost:<your-BE-hostname> --exclude "to-be-fixed" tests/