Oleh Ivaniuk
Ivan Marynych
Mykhailo Vasylenchuk
What's Changed
- Changed order of the icons on calculators page by @kukurudz-nadia in #341
- Closes #331 - modify font of the button Calculate by @BarryLev in #340
- #zer325 changed link for button 'visit website' by @annakynutsya in #342
- centered button for all axis by @heroisaprinciple in #352
- Added dashboard controller, view and route for account namespace by @annakynutsya in #343
- Zer 351 correct data format by @kukurudz-nadia in #353
- ZeroWaste #362 Use vanilla js cocoon instead of jQuery version by @kukurudz-nadia in #365
- Zero waste 356 add priority field to category by @pratpasha in #357
- Replace styles by @BarryLev in #364
- removed folder test by @kukurudz-nadia in #371
- replaced capistrano by @kukurudz-nadia in #372
- Zer 344 correct the algorithm of drop down lists for years and months by @Arturbednarskiy in #386
- Added examples to the tests, created test for price model by @pratpasha in #377
- ZER-198 Add CRUD for SiteSettings in Admin by @popovycj in #308
- Zer 373 add resource and collection to calculators controller by @sofia2123ewwr in #375
- Zer 389 responsive header by @BarryLev in #391
- Zer 382 create sitemap html by @sofia2123ewwr in #392
- Create sitemap.xml by @pratpasha in #396
- create feature controller and some views by @annakynutsya in #378
- Replace app config by @BarryLev in #401
- Added tailwind css by @pratpasha in #405
- fixed flipper.rb by @annakynutsya in #404
- CRUD for Products by @heroisaprinciple in #358
- added check for flipper table by @annakynutsya in #409
New Contributors
- @kukurudz-nadia made their first contribution in #341
- @BarryLev made their first contribution in #340
- @heroisaprinciple made their first contribution in #352
- @pratpasha made their first contribution in #357
- @Arturbednarskiy made their first contribution in #386
- @sofia2123ewwr made their first contribution in #375
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0