Materials for the course "Statistics in R with Tidyverse" for Instats by Dr. Chester Ismay following
To get going make sure to install the following R packages first:
packages <- c("dplyr", "fivethirtyeight", "ggplot2", "knitr", "lubridate",
"moderndive", "palmerpenguins", "readr", "rmarkdown",
"tibble", "tidyr", "GGally")
install.packages(packages, repos = "")
If you'd like a bit of a shortcut but can be a little tricky to install on
different operating systems, you can install the very large tidyverse
instead for some of the packages above:
packages_revised <- c("fivethirtyeight", "knitr", "moderndive", "palmerpenguins",
"rmarkdown", "GGally", "tidyverse")
install.packages(packages_revised, repos = "")