It is a resume generator web app which can build your resume by just simply fill the form of information You can also print it also in pdf format Tech used :- HTML , CSS , JAVASCRIPT , BOOTSTRAP...
- Fill the form
- Click to Generate Resume
- Click to print and Download it
- Add button is used to add as many Work experience section
- Add button is used to add as many Education
- Print button to download resume
- Clean Code
- Profile photo , email , phone no , contact no , github link , linkedin link , education , experience, skill , objective section included in the template.
Wanna contribute? Yeah, it's open for all✌.
2) Make your changes, add features you wish to have
3) Generate a Pull Request.
4) And after working on your fix before creating a pull request make sure you check out the following points:
👉 In your pull request, make sure to add the screenshot of the part you are working on before implementing your changes and also after implementing your changes.
👉 If you are working on anything from the issues then make sure to add the isuue number along with the screenshots. Also, this project is a part of the Hacktoberfest 2022.
Avilas Nanda |