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Ibrahim Serdar Acikgoz edited this page Dec 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

Repository Screen

↖ 0 ↘ 0 → master ✗ ips.server.slave.native •
↖ (pushables) ↘ (pullables) → (branch) (✗ if dirty) (repository folder name) (• if queued)

  • if pushables or pullables appear to be "?", that means no upstream configured for the active branch
    • to resolve this issue; (you can now fix this on branch panel 🎉)
      1. change directory the repository and checkout to the branch prints ? on upstream
      2. make sure remote is set by running git remote -v
      3. run git config --local --add branch.<your branch name>.remote=<your remote name>
      4. run git config --local --add branch.<your branch name>.merge=refs/heads/<your branch name>
  • the queued indicator color represents the operation same as mode color

Commit Screen

  • if hash color is cyan it means that commit is a local commit, if yellow it means it is a commit that will merge in to your active branch if you pull or merge and if blue it means the commit is not pushed to remote repository
  • you can see the diff by simply pressing d on the selected commit
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