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digital calligraphy application for gethenian variation of runic script [elder futhark] used by karhidish Handdarra followers


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digital calligraphy application for gethenian variation of runic script [elder futhark]
used by karhidish Handdarra followers

  • it is written on kTurtle script
  • to make it running you would need working kTurtle IDE (a part of KDE project)
  • simply open .turtle file from IDE and the interpreter would run it for you
  • it is a demo version; the variant published in this produces A4 output
  • there are two variants around here: [this] one outputting A4 sheet and another one outputting B4 sheet
  • you may read the source code in .html format as well
  • there are .pdf files available if you would like using demo script's output for an artwork item (B4 sticker variant is formatted in two versions --with and without margins for a printing)
  • temporarily you may see raw script source [internal kTurtle format] here that has trapped into the documentation by an accident
  • for viewing human-readable source code go to 'demo' branch please
  • after my switch to developing next major version [2.1] this artifact will be removed anyway

demo script`s output B4

#treefingers 2.0 [corrected version of 1.0] digital calligraphy application for runic script [elder futhark]
#    Copyright (C) 2014-2022  irulanCorrino
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# thonri oyer empty_by_irulan_corrino_ --a field, an action (probably interface base)
## _makes_series_--a_divide_to_b_is_sqrt_of_2_
@(learn) size2 $a {
      $n = $a / @(sqrt) 2
      @(return) $n
@(learn) size $a@(,) $n {
      $n = $a / @(sqrt) 2
@(learn) line $base@(,) $iteration {
      $stepLenght = @(round) ( 4 * $base / $iteration )
      @(return) $stepLenght
@(learn) shiftRight $value@(,) $power {
      $c = 1
      $d = $value
      @(while) $d > 2 {
           $c = $c + 1
           $d = $d / 2
      $power = $c
@(learn) iIterator $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration@(,) $x@(,) $y@(,) $runOnce {
      @(go) $x@(,) $y
      $markOfThirdStemX = 0
      $markOfThirdStemY = 0
      $stepLenght = 0
      @(if) $runOnce { $iteration = $iteration * 2 }
      $stepLenght = line $base@(,) $iteration
      @(forward) $stepLenght
      $mOfSecondStemX = @(getx)
      $mOfSecondStemY = @(gety)
      @(turnleft) 60
      @(if) @(not) $runOnce { $runOnce = @(true) }
      lips $stepLenght@(,) $markOfThirdStemX@(,) $markOfThirdStemY@(,) $mOfSecondStemX@(,) $mOfSecondStemY@(,) $x@(,) $y@(,) $runOnce@(,) $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration
@(learn) fieldEntry $stepLenght@(,) $markOfThirdStemX@(,) $markOfThirdStemY@(,) $mOfSecondStemX@(,) $mOfSecondStemY@(,) $x@(,) $y@(,) $runOnce@(,) $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration@(,) $entry {
      @(if) $entry == 1 { iIterator $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration@(,) $x@(,) $y@(,) $runOnce }
        @(else) {
          @(if) $entry == 2 { iIterator $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration@(,) $mOfSecondStemX@(,) $mOfSecondStemY@(,) $runOnce }
           @(else) { iIterator $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration@(,) $markOfThirdStemX@(,) $markOfThirdStemY@(,) $runOnce }
@(learn) lips $stepLenght@(,) $markOfThirdStemX@(,) $markOfThirdStemY@(,) $mOfSecondStemX@(,) $mOfSecondStemY@(,) $x@(,) $y@(,) $runOnce@(,) $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration {
       $entry = 0
       $f = 0
       @(repeat) 3 {
            $f = $f + 1
            @(forward) $stepLenght
            @(if) $f == 2 { 
               $markOfThirdStemX = @(getx)
               $markOfThirdStemY = @(gety)
            @(turnleft) 120
       @(turnleft) 300
       @(if) @(not) ($iteration == $fixBitIterator) {
          @(repeat) 3 {
               $entry = $entry + 1
               fieldEntry $stepLenght@(,) $markOfThirdStemX@(,) $markOfThirdStemY@(,) $mOfSecondStemX@(,) $mOfSecondStemY@(,) $x@(,) $y@(,) $runOnce@(,) $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration@(,) $entry
@(learn) container $sheetB@(,) $fixBits@(,) $wirPointerX@(,) $wirPointerY {
      $fixBitIterator = $fixBits * 2
      $base = $sheetB
      $iteration = 2
      $runOnce = @(false)
      iIterator $base@(,) $fixBitIterator@(,) $iteration@(,) $wirPointerX@(,) $wirPointerY@(,) $runOnce
# thonri oyer empty
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: iywa terrain: ihwar i(h)waz ei(h)waz
@(learn) ihwaz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 15
     $a2 = mirrorIt 165
     $a3 = mirrorIt 199
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 15
       $a2 = 165
       $a3 = 199
    $l1 = 10 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 40 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) 32 * $zoomValue
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 10 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(else) {
       @(turnleft) 90
       @(forward) 8 * $zoomValue
       @(turnleft) 270
    $l3 = 12 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l3     
# iywa ihwar i(h)waz ei(h)waz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: bessa terrain: bercana berkanan
@(learn) berkanan $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 21
     $a2 = mirrorIt 69
     $a3 = mirrorIt 111
     $a4 = mirrorIt 107
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 21
       $a2 = 69
       $a3 = 111
       $a4 = 107
    $l1 = 40 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 5 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(else) {
       @(turnleft) 90
       @(forward) 2 * $zoomValue
       @(turnleft) 270
    $l2 = 12 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 5 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 9 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(backward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnright) $a2
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l4
    @(turnright) $a4
    @(forward) $l2
# bessa bercana berkanan
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: gad terrain: gedo gebo
@(learn) gebo $zoomValue {
    @(forward) 38 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    @(forward) 10 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 270
    $l1 = 48 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 37 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 52 * $zoomValue
    @(turnright) 134
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 144
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) 130
    @(forward) $l3
# gad gedo gebo
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: chawa terrain: teiwaz tiwaz
@(learn) tiwaz $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 40 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) 7 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    $l2 = 10 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 12 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(backward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 19
    @(forward) $l2
    @(backward) $l2
    @(turnright) 40
    @(forward) $l3
# chawa teiwaz tiwaz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: mand terrain: mannaz
@(learn) mannaz $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 40 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) 19 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    $l2 = 44 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 32 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 50 * $zoomValue
    $l5 = 35 * $zoomValue
    $l6 = 16 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 225
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) 135
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) 142
    @(forward) $l4
    @(turnleft) 160
    @(forward) $l5
    @(turnleft) 237
    @(forward) $l6
    @(turnright) 118
    @(forward) $l3
# mand mannaz
#_othila _--mirror_
@(learn) placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance {
    rememberIt $xPoint@(,) $yPoint
    $lA = 57
    $lB = @(round) (size2 $lA)
    $lA = $lA * $zoomValue
    $lB = $lB * $zoomValue
    $spacing = @(round) (@(sqrt) ( ($lA ^ 2) + ($lB ^ 2) ))
    switchMode $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $spacing@(,) $zoomValue
    @(if) $system {
       @(pencolor) 0@(,) 255@(,) 0
       @(forward) $lA
       @(turnleft) 90
       @(forward) $lB
       @(turnleft) 90
       @(forward) $lA
       @(turnleft) 90
       @(forward) $lB
       @(pencolor) 0@(,) 163@(,) 255
    @(if) @(not) $system { @(turnleft) 90 }
     @(else) { @(turnleft) 180 }
    @(forward) @(round) ($lB / 2)
    @(if) $appearance { @(forward) @(round) ($lB / 8) }
     @(else) { @(backward) @(round) ($lB / 8) }
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) @(round) ($lA / 8)
@(learn) mirrorIt $value {#
    $angle = 360 - $value
    @(return) $angle
@(learn) rememberIt $xPoint@(,) $yPoint {
    $xPoint = @(getx)
    $yPoint = @(gety)
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: othir terrain: othala othila
@(learn) othila $zoomValue {
    $a1 = 31
    $a2 = 65
    $a3 = 117
    $a4 = 78
    $l1 = 28 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 28 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 19 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 45 * $zoomValue
    @(turnright) $a1
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) $a4
    @(forward) $l4
# othir othala othila
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: naue terrain: naupir naudiz
@(learn) naudiz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 170
     $a2 = mirrorIt 67
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 170
       $a2 = 67
    $l1 = 43 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 8 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(else) {
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(forward) 12 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 270
    $l2 = 29 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 31 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l3
# naue naupir naudiz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: argir terrain: algir algiz
@(learn) algiz $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 42 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) 6 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    $l2 = 41 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 18 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 190
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnright) 167
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) 115
    @(forward) $l3
# argir algir algiz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: thured terrain: thurisaz
@(learn) thurisaz $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 43 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    $l2 = 41 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 26 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 28 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(backward) $l2
    @(turnleft) 38
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) 285
    @(forward) $l4
# thured thurisaz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: uru terrain: uruz
@(learn) uruz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 5
     $a2 = mirrorIt 40
     $a3 = mirrorIt 130
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 5
       $a2 = 40
       $a3 = 130
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(forward) 5 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(else) {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 5 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
    $l1 = 28 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 20 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 42 * $zoomValue
    @(turnright) $a1
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnright) $a2
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnright) $a3
    @(forward) $l3
# uru uruz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: ingif terrain: ingwar ingwaz
@(learn) ingwaz $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 25 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) 41 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    @(forward) 8 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 270
    $l2 = 28 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 45 * $zoomValue
    @(turnright) 140
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnright) 75
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnright) 165
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) 175
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 77
    @(forward) $l2
# ingif ingwar ingwaz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: isa terrain: isa isaz
@(learn) isaz $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 42 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) 5 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
# isa isaz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: dawa terrain: dagaz
@(learn) dagaz $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 42 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 90
    @(forward) 8 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 270
    $l2 = 47 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 40 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 45 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 148
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnright) 148
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnright) 148
    @(forward) $l4
# dawa dagaz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: wunyo terrain: wunjo
@(learn) wunjo $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 223
     $a2 = mirrorIt 263
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 223
       $a2 = 263
    $l1 = 43 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    $l2 = 41 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 18 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 16 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l4
# wunyo wunjo
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: reith terrain: raido raidho
@(learn) raido $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 221
     $a2 = mirrorIt 265
     $a3 = mirrorIt 95
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 221
       $a2 = 265
       $a3 = 95
    $l1 = 44 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    $l2 = 42 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 14 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 12 * $zoomValue
    $l5 = 30 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l4
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l5
# reith raido raidho
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: fehu terrain: fehu
@(learn) fehu $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 162
     $a2 = mirrorIt 168
     $a3 = mirrorIt 190
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 162
       $a2 = 168
       $a3 = 190
    $l1 = 41 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    $l2 = 46 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 23 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 21 * $zoomValue
    $l5 = 26 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l4
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l5
@(learn) switchMode $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $spacing@(,) $zoomValue {
    @(if) $fork == 1 {
     $latitudeView = @(true)
     @(turnleft) 55
     @(forward) $spacing
     turnThere 1
     @(forward) 57 * $zoomValue
     turnThere 3
     @(else) {
       @(if) $fork == 2 {
        $latitudeView = @(false)
        @(turnleft) 35
        @(forward) $spacing
        turnThere 2
        @(else) {
          @(if) $fork == 3 {
           $latitudeView = @(true)
           @(turnleft) 55
           @(forward) $spacing
           turnThere 2
           @(forward) 41 * $zoomValue
           turnThere 1
           @(else) { turnThere 0 }
@(learn) iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString {
    @(go) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint
    @(if) @(not) $newString { 
       @(if) @(not) $latitudeView {
        turnThere 3
        @(forward) 41 * $zoomValue
        @(else) {
          turnThere 3
          @(forward) 57 * $zoomValue
      @(else) { $newString = @(false) }
    @(direction) 0
# fehu
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: ashe terrain: ansuz
@(learn) ansuz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 210
     $a2 = mirrorIt 199
     $a3 = mirrorIt 160
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 210
       $a2 = 199
       $a3 = 160
    $l1 = 42 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    $l2 = 41 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 19 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 12 * $zoomValue
    $l5 = 17 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l4
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l5
# ashe ansuz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: sov terrain: sowulo sowilo
@(learn) sowilo $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 164
     $a2 = mirrorIt 104
     $a3 = mirrorIt 257
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 164
       $a2 = 104
       $a3 = 257
    $l1 = 17 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) 39 * $zoomValue
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 6 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(else) {
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(forward) 6 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 270
    $l2 = 7 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 19 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l3
# sov sowulo sowilo
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: rthi terrain: laguz
@(learn) laguz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 210
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 210
    $l1 = 42 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 4 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(else) {
       @(turnleft) 90
       @(forward) 2 * $zoomValue
       @(turnleft) 270
    $l2 = 41 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 15 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 180
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l3
# rthi laguz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: yera terrain: jera
@(learn) jera $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 155
     $a2 = mirrorIt 50
     $a3 = mirrorIt 164
     $a4 = mirrorIt 195
     $a5 = mirrorIt 310
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 155
       $a2 = 50
       $a3 = 164
       $a4 = 195
       $a5 = 310
    @(forward) 43 * $zoomValue
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 7 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(else) {
       @(turnleft) 90
       @(forward) 4 * $zoomValue
       @(turnleft) 270
    $l1 = 15 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 12 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 16 * $zoomValue
    $l4 = 17 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a3
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a4
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) $a5
    @(forward) $l4
@(learn) turnThere $switch {
    @(if) $switch == 0 { @(direction) 0 }
     @(else) {
       @(if) $switch == 1 {  @(direction) 90 }
        @(else) {
          @(if) $switch == 2 { @(direction) 180 }
           @(else) {
             @(if) $switch == 3 { @(direction) 270 }
              @(else) {
                @(if) $switch == 4 { @(direction) 45 }
                 @(else) {
                   @(if) $switch == 5 { @(direction) 135 }
                    @(else) {
                      @(if) $switch == 6 { @(direction) 225 }
                       @(else) { @(direction) 315 }
#injecting_funnies_into_yera --disabled [no cursor]
@(learn) circle $zoomValue {
    @(for) $n = 1 @(to) 36 {
       @(turnleft) 10
       @(forward) 3 * $zoomValue
@(learn) pointIt $zoomValue@(,) $foreScripted@(,) $afterScripted@(,) $superScripted@(,) $subScripted@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) $foreScripted @(or) $afterScripted {
     @(forward) 17 * $zoomValue
     @(if) $foreScripted @(and) $superScripted { turnThere 4 }
      @(else) {
        @(if) $afterScripted @(and) $superScripted { turnThere 7 }
         @(else) {
           @(if) $afterScripted @(and) $subScripted { turnThere 6 }
            @(else) { turnThere 5 }
     @(else) {
       turnThere 0
       @(forward) 17 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    circle $zoomValue
    $zoomValueC = @(round) ( $zoomValue / 3 )
    iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValueC@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
    placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValueC@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
    wunjo $zoomValueC@(,) $appearance
# yera jera
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: eyw terrain: ehwaz
@(learn) ehwaz $zoomValue {
    @(turnleft) 90
    @(forward) 8 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 270
    $l1 = 41 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 18 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 220
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) 95
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) 225
    @(forward) $l1
# eyw ehwaz
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: ponwe terrain: perdro perd
@(learn) perd $zoomValue {
    $l1 = 18 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 21 * $zoomValue
    $l3 = 40 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) 18 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    @(turnleft) 145
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 255
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) 140
    @(forward) $l3
    @(turnleft) 140
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) 260
    @(forward) $l1
# ponwe perdro perd
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: ken terrain: kenaz kaunan
@(learn) kaunan $zoomValue {
    @(forward) 43 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 270
    @(forward) 8 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 90
    $l1 = 24 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 26 * $zoomValue
    @(turnleft) 153
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) 50
    @(forward) $l2
# ken kenaz kaunan
# pronunciation_--
# gethenian: aisha terrain: hagala hagalaz
@(learn) hagalaz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance {
    @(if) @(not) $appearance {
     $a1 = mirrorIt 205
     $a2 = mirrorIt 155
     @(else) {
       $a1 = 205
       $a2 = 155
    @(if) $appearance {
     @(turnleft) 90
     @(forward) 4 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(else) {
     @(turnleft) 270
     @(forward) 4 * $zoomValue
     @(turnleft) 90
    $l1 = 40 * $zoomValue
    $l2 = 43 * $zoomValue
    @(forward) $l1
    @(turnleft) $a1
    @(forward) $l2
    @(turnleft) $a2
    @(forward) $l1
# aisha hagala hagalaz
@(canvascolor) 0@(,) 0@(,) 0
@(penwidth) 7
@(pencolor) 0@(,) 163@(,) 255
$appearance = @(true)
$zoomValue = 2.4
$system = @(true)
$xPoint = 675
$yPoint = 70 * $zoomValue
$switch = 0#*_--irulan_(does_it_make_an_ambiguity_--see_'global_variables'_comment_earlier)_
$latitudeView = @(false)
$fork = 0
@(canvassize) 744@(,) 1052
@(penwidth) 1 * $zoomValue
# oyerem runes
$newString = @(true)
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
hagalaz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
algiz $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
ansuz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
berkanan $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
tiwaz $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
dagaz $zoomValue
$newString = @(true)
$xPoint = 675
$yPoint = 155 * $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
ehwaz $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
fehu $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
gebo $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
ingwaz $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
isaz $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
ihwaz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
$newString = @(true)
$xPoint = 675
$yPoint = 240 * $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
kaunan $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
mannaz $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
naudiz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
othila $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
perd $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
raido $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
$newString = @(true)
$xPoint = 675
$yPoint = 325 * $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
laguz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
sowilo $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
thurisaz $zoomValue
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
uruz $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
wunjo $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
jera $zoomValue@(,) $appearance
# thonri oyer empty
turnThere 0
$a = 2048 + 1024
$b = 0
$n = 0
$fixBits = 4
$size = 2
$sheetB = 0
size $a@(,) $n
$b = $n
$lenght = $b / $size
$height = $a / $size
@(go) ($lenght / 2)@(,) (($height / 4) + $height / 2 - $height / 8 )
@(turnleft) 270
size ($height / 32)@(,) $n
$sheetB = @(round) $n
@(forward) $sheetB * 2
$wirPointerX = @(getx)
$wirPointerY = @(gety)
$ingPointerX = 0
$ingPointerY = 0
$isaPointerX = 0
$isaPointerY = 0
@(turnleft) 120
$counter = 3
@(while) $counter {
    @(forward) $sheetB * 4
    $counter = $counter - 1
    @(if) $counter == 2 {
     $ingPointerX = @(round) @(getx)
     $ingPointerY = @(gety)
    @(if) $counter == 1 {
     $isaPointerX = @(round) @(getx)
     $isaPointerY = @(gety)
    @(turnleft) 120
@(pencolor) 0@(,) 255@(,) 0#
container $sheetB@(,) $fixBits@(,) $wirPointerX@(,) $wirPointerY
@(exit)#no cursor --disabled feature
#$zoomValue = 3
$foreScripted = @(true)
$afterScripted = @(false)
$superScripted = @(true)
$subScripted = @(false)
$fork = 2
$appearance = @(false)
iLiner $latitudeView@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $newString
placeholder $system@(,) $zoomValue@(,) $xPoint@(,) $yPoint@(,) $latitudeView@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance
pointIt $zoomValue@(,) $foreScripted@(,) $afterScripted@(,) $superScripted@(,) $subScripted@(,) $fork@(,) $appearance

Demo pictures demo script's output A4

demo script's output B4


digital calligraphy application for gethenian variation of runic script [elder futhark] used by karhidish Handdarra followers







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