Besides documenting my own web projects, In the past, I’ve edited and consulted on developer’s API documentation and user manuals. Throughout my career, I’ve written and edited numerous articles, tutorials, and technically-oriented blog posts.
In my recent job, I wrote long-form technical content and supported the tech, data, and product teams with developing, editing, and writing technical content. As part of my responsibilities, I’ve also developed and implemented the content strategy for the in-house tech blog, co-authored the firm’s style guide and tone of voice, wrote user guides for non-technical users of the site, and created extensive documentation of the custom WordPress theme and plugins I developed.
- A manual for a client website (names and details omitted): README, Airtable API integration.
- Mighty Eleventy Starter: README.
- WordPress theme and plugins (WIP).
- Velojiraptor, generate developer productivity metrics from Jira tickets: README and an article I wrote about this open-source project and the motivation behind it.
A few websites I’ve designed and developed (2020--)