This repository contains MicroPython code snipped that was developed for Raspberry Pi Pico W and each folder holds a stand-alone program.
The following sensors are included in this folder:
Project Name | Sensor | Description |
P1_HelloWorld | N.A. | The first program that shows your board programmed successfully with MicroPython |
P2_Blink | N.A. | Raspberry Pi Pico W has an onboard LED which this code will test it |
P3_Push_Button | Key Switch Module (Push Button) | Turn on/off onboard LED with push button |
P4_Rotary_Encoder | Rotary Encoder | Print numbers by turning it clockwise/anticlockwise. |
P5_DHT_11_DHT_22 | DHT11 | Prints temperature in Celsius and humidity in percentage |
P6_DS18B20_(OneWire) | DS18B20 Temperature | Scanning 1-wire for all sensors and printing the values in Celsius |
P7_NTC_Thermistor(ADC) | Analog Temperature | Read the analog value from the thermistor and change it to Celsius |
P8_RG_LED_PWM | Two Color LED | Using PWM to fade LED between green and red |
P9_RGB_LED | RGB LED module | RGB color change in a while loop |
P10_RGB_LED_SMD | RGB LED SMD | RGB color change in a while loop |
P11_Collision_Detection_Sensor | Collision Sensor | Prints messages with LED indicator when there is an object in its range |
P12_Line_Follower | Line Follower | Prints message while it detects a line different color than the background |
P13_IR_Transmitter_Receiver | IR Receiver & Transmitter | TO DEVELOP… |
P14_Reed_Switch | Reed Switch | Print “Magnetic Detected…” to the terminal if there is a strong magnet close to it |
P15_Hall_Sensor_Analog_Digital | Hall Effect Sensor | Print to the terminal if it catches a magnetic effect |
P16_Joystick | Joystick | Prints the value and direction of the joystick thumb control and the state of its button |
P17_Heartbeat | Heartbeat Sensor | Prints the ADC value to the terminal |
P18_Active_Piezo_Buzzer | Active Piezo Buzzer | Beeping and printing the state to the terminal |
P19_Passive_Piezo_Buzzer | Passive Piezo Buzzer | Play short songs with passive piezo |
P20_Vibration_Sensor | Vibration Sensor | Detect vibration and prints to the terminal |
P21_Tilt_Switch | Tilt Switch | Print On/Off when we rotate the tilt switch |
P22_Knock_Sensor | Vibration Shake Sensor | It prints to the terminal when detecting knocking on the sensor |
P23_LDR_Photo_Resistor | Photoresistor | It prints to the terminal and turns on the onboard LED if darkness is more than 70 percent |
P24_Photo_Interrupter | Photo Interrupter | Prints to the terminal if a paper inserted in the middle of it |
P25_OLED_SSD1306_I2C | SSD1306 | Shows sending texts to the OLED with the I2C port |
P26_PIR_Motion_Sensor_HC-SR501 | Passive Infra-Red | Print to the terminal when detecting motion |
P27_Ultrasonic_Sensor_HC-SR04 | Ultrasonic | Shows the object distance to the module |
P28_Relay_Module | Relay | Turn on/off the relay periodically |
P29_Air_Quality_CCS811_TempHumi_SHT31 | Air Quality | CCS811 prints the CO2 and tVOC and SHT31 prints temperature and humidity |
P30_BME280 | BME280 | Prints temperature, humidity, and pressure to the terminal |
P31_BME680 | BME680 | Prints temperature, humidity, pressure, and gas to the terminal |
P32_Small_Microphone | Small Microphone | Prints analog pin value to the terminal and turns LED on on digital pin triggers |
P33_MCP9700_Analog_Temperature | MCP9700 | Prints analog temperature value to the terminal |
P34_Soil_Moisture | Soil Moisture | Prints the soil moisture in percentage |
The following network examples are included in this folder:
Project Name | Logo | Description |
N1_WiFi_Connection | WiFi | Example shows how to connect your board to the internet |
N2_WiFi_MQTT_Webhook_Adafruit | Adafruit MQTT Webhook | The example shows how to use the MQTT protocol to send a message to the Adafruit broker and control your device from the Adafruit dashboard, it also shows how to use Webhook to send an alarm to your Discord server from Adafruit |
N3_WiFi_REST_API_Ubidots | Ubidots | The example shows how to use the REST API to send messages from your Raspberry Pi Pico W to the Ubidots dashboard |
N4_LoRaWAN_Connection | M5Stack module | Example shows the usage of LoRaWAN connection on Raspberry Pi Pico W with M5Stack LoRa module |
N5_WiFi_Mosquitto_Node-Red_Test | Mosquitto Node-Red | A simple example shows how to send a random value as temperature to the MQTT broker |