Convert GOBL documents in the Mexican CFDI (Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet) format.
Copyright Invopop Ltd. 2023. Released publicly under the Apache License Version 2.0. For commercial licenses please contact the dev team at invopop. In order to accept contributions to this library we will require transferring copyrights to Invopop Ltd.
Usage of the CFDI conversion library is quite straight forward. You must first have a GOBL Envelope including an invoice for Mexico ready to convert. There are some samples here in the test/data directory.
package main
import (
func main {
data, _ := os.ReadFile("./test/data/invoice.json")
env := new(gobl.Envelope)
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, env); err != nil {
// Prepare the CFDI document
doc, err := cfdi.NewDocument(env)
if err != nil {
// Create the XML output
out, err := doc.Bytes()
if err != nil {
// TODO: do something with the output
This package uses lestrrat-go/libxml2 for testing purporses, which in turn depends on the libxml-2.0 C library. Ensure you have the development dependency installed. In linux this implies:
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
Tests can take a while to run as they download the complete XML documents to test against, please be patient.
For details on support for converting Addendas, please see the addendas package.
The GOBL to CFDI tool also includes a command line helper. You can find pre-built gobl.cfdi binaries in the github repository, or install manually in your Go environment with:
go install ./cmd/gobl.cfdi
Usage is very straightforward:
gobl.cfdi convert ./test/data/invoice-b2b-bare.json
Which should produce something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cfdi:Comprobante xmlns:cfdi="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" Version="4.0" TipoDeComprobante="I" Serie="LMC" Folio="0010" Fecha="2023-05-29T00:00:00" LugarExpedicion="26015" SubTotal="400.40" Descuento="200.20" Total="232.23" Moneda="MXN" Exportacion="01" MetodoPago="PUE" FormaPago="03" CondicionesDePago="Pago a 30 días." Sello="" NoCertificado="00000000000000000000" Certificado="">
<cfdi:Emisor Rfc="EKU9003173C9" Nombre="ESCUELA KEMPER URGATE" RegimenFiscal="601"></cfdi:Emisor>
<cfdi:Receptor Rfc="URE180429TM6" Nombre="UNIVERSIDAD ROBOTICA ESPAÑOLA" DomicilioFiscalReceptor="65000" RegimenFiscalReceptor="601" UsoCFDI="G01"></cfdi:Receptor>
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="50211502" Cantidad="2" ClaveUnidad="H87" Descripcion="Cigarros" ValorUnitario="200.2020" Importe="400.4040" Descuento="200.2020" ObjetoImp="02">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="200.2020" Importe="32.0323" Impuesto="002" TasaOCuota="0.160000" TipoFactor="Tasa"></cfdi:Traslado>
<cfdi:Impuestos TotalImpuestosTrasladados="32.03">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="200.20" Importe="32.03" Impuesto="002" TasaOCuota="0.160000" TipoFactor="Tasa"></cfdi:Traslado>